Today I..........

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Jeez, I don't know how some of you guys are avoiding spoilt/infected brews if your leaving your plastic fermenters for days without cleaning.

Days............. try weeks :p no joke.

I pull everything apart, including removing the tap (i put a plug in the hole after scrubbing it out) hose and scrub it out then fill it with bleach solution and soak for a few days.

I then rinse them out and use an iodophur rinse for everything before using.

No problems.

I used to be anal about cleaning them out but i dont have time to go stuffing around with one at a time.

I wait till there is half a dozen built up over a few weeks and do em all at once.


PS...... i just remembered........ i left the leftovers from the IIPA (11%) in the bottom of a firmenter after racking for 3 weeks and when i cleaned it out it still smelt fine, no mould like the 5%ers

Alcahol is definatly a steraliser.

cheers again
Mike means these kind of racks:
View attachment 13592

Rather than these (unfortunately):
View attachment 13593

Though it would be interesting to see Mike use "them" for brewing purposes.... Hey Mike, need a brewing assistant? ;)

Yep, Phraks right - although that second pic had a decent rack on her. I note it was uploaded from your private stash mate? :beer:

Anywho, both racks are fun..... except the ones I will have here tomorrow are only about $1500, not the $7500 ones in the 2nd pic... ;)
Today I... converted another mate to homebrewing! This mate had done a couple of batches with me and I thought that he was going cold on the subject, but he surprised me today by advising that his tax refund would be spent on a homebrew kit. That makes two converts in recent months.

I've got another two mates who regulalry do brews at my place so I just have to get them buy their own kits, although it is good being able to split batches with friends...
Sorry Rukh...this isn't some weird cult where you get brownie points for converts.....or is it :unsure:

RRob - HTFU, drink the hair of the dog and get on with it !

Doogie - You pitiful excuse for a homebrewer, you had the perfect oppurtunity to make use of golden beer making time and piked ! I'm not sure that you should ever post on this forum again !

Mike - Once you're done with the brewing assistant, send them this way. I've only got the pup and I don't trust him with anything more than watching fermentation. If your brewing assistant muffed it I wouldn't care, as long as she was bent over cleaning it up :ph34r:

Oh...and dudes leaving crusty's in fermentors/kettles for weeks....that's just wrong. Start fermenting lambics.
jeez, some of you guys make me look positively anal about cleaning, and all I do is ensure that everything is clean and ready for the next brew day...jeebers...



and I mean anal in the freudian way right :rolleyes:
Glad you clarified that BrownDog - I woulda had to go searching the interweb for that pic! :blink: :eek:

"No-no darling, it's a picture for the beer guys, honest!" :eek:
Hey doogiechap, Looks like you got a couple of kegs of ross' wit beer. Is it a goody mate?, Thinkin of brewing it. would you recommend?

G'day Grinder,
Highly reccomended !
One thing to look out for. I was all inspired bt the wonderful range of dried orange peel that my local Asian shop had in stock. I didn't look at the label before grinding and tossing in the boil. Hmmm it's awfully sweet.....Fermented out to 1010 something wrong...... Check peel label, contains sacharine :angry: . I'll probably look at boiling up some hops and adding it to try to offset the sweetness,. It's my third batch of this though and there will be many more (just with different oranges) :super: .
Oops juniors stirring, off I go :D .
PS Mika, Having a bad node day bloke :D (Genuine jokes bloke, each to their own !)
Glad to see im not the only one who gets lazy now and then!. I used to leave my kettle for a week all the time, but i got so sick of scrubbing out mould i started doing it straight after every brew. Now i brew using the NO chill method, i have more time and pretty much always clean it. My fermenters on the other hand always get cleaned with boiling water, and then stored with sodium met sprinkled on the bottom, works great, never had a prob. Must be good stuff.

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