Today I..........

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Old Thunder brewery
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cleaned my kettle after almost a month of sitting in the garage. Im usually pretty good, but this time i just let it go. Some pretty funky sh%t in there!!, had to scrub pretty hard to get rid of the funky mould growing there. I had walked past it a few times and thought it was too cold for mould to grow, WRONG. Ah, oh well, at least i can brew again. I may even have time to do the IBU iron brewer challenge. Here's hopin
cleaned my kettle after almost a month of sitting in the garage. Im usually pretty good, but this time i just let it go. Some pretty funky sh%t in there!!, had to scrub pretty hard to get rid of the funky mould growing there. I had walked past it a few times and thought it was too cold for mould to grow, WRONG. Ah, oh well, at least i can brew again. I may even have time to do the IBU iron brewer challenge. Here's hopin

im going to clean mine tomorrow (promise). Its been sitting on the lawn in the same spot for the past two months. It now contains bird poo, a clothes peg, twigs, leaves, a freddo frog wrapper, a couple of cigarette butts, a toy car and about 50mls of rain water.....oh the shame!!!! :(


I did that with my firmenters last weekend.

I had 7 dirty vessels in my garage and they were starting to have conversations and wave good bye to me when i left the garage.

So they all got scrubbed clean and steralised.

came up like new.

I do recal seeing some fantastic alge blooms i have not seen before. Green, blue, black.

Ahhhhhhhhh its not good is it. i shouldnt be so lazy.

so your not the only one :)

Rule 1:

Always have the K'Archer set up and waiting. I've been guilty of the same thing once or twice but crack the guilts badly. :blink:

Warren -
I thought I was the only one. I've been really good with my AGs. Cleaned the next day at the latest. Fermenters are my weakness. I like to let them fester... Well I feel guilty, but it doesn't overcome the procrastination until it gets all festy in there. Who said you need to leave them soaking in sanitiser... I split a 4L starter of WLP800 into a few stubbies at 4am (thanks 7 week old daughter.... no no i don't mind not sleeping anymore, its ok.... you wake up anytime you like ;) )
....Ate my first chiko roll in 4 years (feeling crook now) and
....played ping pong at work.

been a big day

Jeez, I don't know how some of you guys are avoiding spoilt/infected brews if your leaving your plastic fermenters for days without cleaning. I can only hope some of the descriptions in this thread are tongue in cheek because they really could lead new brewers to the wrong conclusions regarding hygene and sanitation. :ph34r:

My fermenters are cleaned and soaked in percarbonate(sp) the day they are emptied, then flushed the next day and stored covered in the shed.

Gobsmacked Andrew :lol: I split a 4L starter of WLP800 into a few stubbies at 4am (thanks 7 week old daughter.... no no i don't mind not sleeping anymore, its ok.... you wake up anytime you like ;) )
....Ate my first chiko roll in 4 years (feeling crook now) and
....played ping pong at work.

been a big day


I can completely relate bloke !
My 9 month old son had me up for the third time at around 4am and after I managed to get him back off to sleep I was thinking Hmmm, I could put down a brew before work today Hmmmm :) .
Went back to bed though :D .
..... am brewing my first partial (been doing AG for a while now!) using the last can of liquid extract I had sitting in the fridge for 6 months.

It should work out well, I managed to get rid of the last 1.3Kg of JW ale malt in the bottom of the sack as well!

Shame I couldn't get rid of any more hops! :(
...spent most of the day on AHB & email rather than work.

also been convincing a workmate to get into homebrew. He's excited from the samples i bring into work every now and again for ... feedback! :beer:
I can completely relate bloke !
My 9 month old son had me up for the third time at around 4am and after I managed to get him back off to sleep I was thinking Hmmm, I could put down a brew before work today Hmmmm :) .
Went back to bed though :D .

Do you guys own a set of b00bs ? :huh:
Jeez, I don't know how some of you guys are avoiding spoilt/infected brews if your leaving your plastic fermenters for days without cleaning. I can only hope some of the descriptions in this thread are tongue in cheek because they really could lead new brewers to the wrong conclusions regarding hygene and sanitation. :ph34r:

My fermenters are cleaned and soaked in percarbonate(sp) the day they are emptied, then flushed the next day and stored covered in the shed.

Gobsmacked Andrew :lol:

Im all for hygene most of the time, but like the other guys i get lazy and sometimes leave a fermentor a week or two getting festy but because i only own 3 im pretty good most of the time.

I dont think hygene and sanitation are the be all and end all of brewing tho. I know it stops infection and nobody wants infection but leaving fermentors crud up for a week and then scrubbing and sanatizing them aint that bad.

Touch wood - i've never had to throw a batch yet and dont plan on doing so soon albeit i've only been brewing for coming up to 3 years.
Do you guys own a set of b00bs ? :huh:

He he - I'm in the same boat as doogiechamp. 9 mnth old daughter, flu, ear infection, etc.
In return, SWMBO doesn't complain (much) about the house turning into a brewery, so its a small consolation methinks ;)
He he - I'm in the same boat as doogiechamp. 9 mnth old daughter, flu, ear infection, etc.
In return, SWMBO doesn't complain (much) about the house turning into a brewery, so its a small consolation methinks ;)

Absolutely !!
Lots of brownie points to build ! If I am going to play I need to work first ! :D
...had a hang over and had to work :( ..after drinking all the free piss i could at clancy's last night (WA beer week open)
Jeez, I don't know how some of you guys are avoiding spoilt/infected brews if your leaving your plastic fermenters for days without cleaning. I can only hope some of the descriptions in this thread are tongue in cheek because they really could lead new brewers to the wrong conclusions regarding hygene and sanitation. :ph34r:

My fermenters are cleaned and soaked in percarbonate(sp) the day they are emptied, then flushed the next day and stored covered in the shed.

Gobsmacked Andrew :lol:

Have to agree with AndrewQLD.

I clean everything immediately. Fermenters may soak in bleach or nappy cleaner for a week.
I shudder to think of the problems that would be caused if an infection gets intoo the brewery.

had a ***** day....
when i got to work, made a cup of tea in the teapot, when i went to pour it it overflowed and burned my left forefinger... took the cup upstairs, sat on the chair and as i did i smashed my head on the signal lamp some pillock had left hanging down. :angry: good cup of tea though.. and remember folks, your safety is in my hands. :blink: ..
Then got home and had to shovel 2 trailer loads of gravle dust into a path that the missus wants.. (i couldn't give a flying monkeys ass if she has to walk through mud to get to the clothes line and another thing... what's that dear? oh, um, no i'm not complaining.....).

Ah well, now i'm onto my 3rd pint of cherry APA, going flying over the whitsundays tommorow, got the weekend off. not all bad .

Drink up boys! :beer: and gals :super:
Absolutely !!
Lots of brownie points to build ! If I am going to play I need to work first ! :D
Hey doogiechap, Looks like you got a couple of kegs of ross' wit beer. Is it a goody mate?, Thinkin of brewing it. would you recommend?
Got to work at 8.00am for a mgmnt meeting, then spent most of the rest of the day reviewing people's presentations.

Frustrating day, but a great weekend coming up (Rugby, beer and a sleep-in!), and on my second pint of SNPA - it's really nice. Also lined up to bring in two racks tomorrow for brewing purposes - will post pics!

Cheers - Mike

Edit - fro speeling
Mike means these kind of racks:

Rather than these (unfortunately):

Though it would be interesting to see Mike use "them" for brewing purposes.... Hey Mike, need a brewing assistant? ;)

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