Three Sheets Pale, Well Kind Of?

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Had a pint of this last week after playing footy in the city and loved it. After a search on here for a recipe it seems no one has posted one yet? There are a few older posts and some of them had hop types and what sort of malt goes in so after a little play around on beersmith i came up with a recipe i might try tomorrow. Any advice on the recipe will be greatly appreciated, i have no idea when formulating recipes, just thought i would have a crack. My idea is as follows:

8.00 kg Joe White ale
1.20kg Munich
.5kg Crystal

30g Galaxy 40mins
30g Galax 20mins
20g Cascade 10mins
20g Cascade flameout

American Ale II liquid yeast.

My main concern is that might be too much crystal for this beer?
from my hazy memory isnt three sheets an English Pale, not American Pale? So I would say the cascade and galaxy are out of the style...
from my hazy memory isnt three sheets an English Pale, not American Pale? So I would say the cascade and galaxy are out of the style...

I've used Galaxy a lot recently, especially in a sour IPA, and it's definitely not Galaxy that they are using in there to give it that main flavour punch. I am still searching for that magic hop.
galaxy & cascade it is:

Also read on here somewhere that they use Windsor yeast..
Yeah i read the post where someone actually done a brew day there and brewed this and he did state that these were the actual hops used. Going off older posts it seems that they change the bill sometimes, depending on who the brewer is at the time. Reading the more recent posts saying it is galaxy and cascade, well, that sounds great to me, two of my favourite hops that i have never used together so i am giving them a run.
I actually just grabbed a six pack from Dans to try, but before hand was at the pub next door and had a couple of schooners of JSGA and it tasted like crap! Living out west i can guess its been probably a year since the keg has been changed, nobody would drink it resulting in old, cruddy tasting beer. Damn it was terrible!
I had a few bottles of Three Sheets a couple of weeks ago and I couldn't taste much through the acetaldehyde.
It was truly horrible.

I assume they contract brew the bottles though as it's mighty fine on tap at the Lord Nelson.
As for the recipe, I definitely taste a bit of wheat malt in there.
I was talking to the head brewer at the Lord Nelson only 3 days ago. He mentioned he uses either Nottingham or US05 almost exclusively for all their brews (except for special seasonals) and has moved away from galaxy as he was getting harsh bitterness. I'm not sure how recent these changes are but he's not using galaxy anymore and I'd assume one of the above yeasts.


EDIT: and yes, he confirmed the bottles are contract brewed :)

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