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The first episode in a series about advertising airs tonight and looks like it will be looking at beer advertising.

Might provide something interesting to lay your eyes on while enjoying a glass of your own.

Let the ranting begin! :D
totally unrelated, but last sat night it was a mates b'day so we went for dumplings at shanghi house in cbd. Then got taken back to a "advertising companys" office who do the ad's for all the Carlton Draught and VB symphony and stuff.

Well, was i a bit amazed to walk in and find a fully stocked and loaded bar, foozball table, table tennis table etc. I didnt want to leave, it was like partying in your own lounge room but 10 times better.
:lol: not surprising I guess when advertising is that important to your product's sales. Gotta keep the ad company on side!
my missus is a graphic designer and does design and packaging for CUB, coke, cadbury etc. The companies love to throw free goodies their way. Krispy Kreme when they started in Vic once sent a full sample box to every employee of the company when they signed up for them to do their packaging, just so the employees were familiar with their product. The missus work had like 20 19L coke cornies there as well as 50L keg. couldnt get my hands on them though :(

back on topic. Thanks Spills for the heads up. I was tossing up whether to watch it or not. but now im sold.
been crap on TV all week so have been waiting for this. should be a bit different and hopefully interesting (especially if its about beer)
Can I be the first to say that Wil Anderson is the most overrated "comedian" on television. I wish he's just pull his hands out of his pockets, drop that whiny, giggling tone and settle down with some decent humour. And who spells Will with one 'l'?

That said, this show looks like it has huge potential, so I'll put aside my anti-Wilness and give it a go.
He's better than Lehmo and Kyle Sandilands. Wil would be great if he would just stop laughing at his own jokes.
Can I be the first to say that Wil Anderson is the most overrated "comedian" on television.
hate to say it, but im sort of over him too. seems like he's been doing the same type of act since he was on radio, though i was a big fan of him then. saw his stand up act twice, and didnt notice much difference between the two.
in his defense, there are a lot worse on tv than him so i'll still watch this show with hope.
Can I be the first to say that Wil Anderson is the most overrated "comedian" on television. I wish he's just pull his hands out of his pockets, drop that whiny, giggling tone and settle down with some decent humour. And who spells Will with one 'l'?

That said, this show looks like it has huge potential, so I'll put aside my anti-Wilness and give it a go.

Couldn't agree more, and when he used to do the glass house with painted finger nails....******
Wasn't too bad, considering it was the first episode.

Was surprised they'd pretty much devoted it to beer ads though.
Good comedy value, I'll be watching it again.

It shines far above any of the other excrement on TV at that time.
Yep deffinately shows that the ABC is still leading in the decent t.v stakes these days. The commercial stations really do seem to have lost the plot.

Interesting though that they are now showing how to install a set-top box on the ABC to try and encourage people to watch ABC2...maybe if it was listed in all the tv guides people would realise it was there!! Its good when you miss an episode of something because they do repeats :D

Keep up the good work ABC.

I liked it....I think it will get a lot better...

The hard sell at the end was good....selling whale to Aussies

"Whale....The beef of the sea..."
Does it come in Dolphin flavour?
I wish he's just pull his hands out of his pockets, drop that whiny, giggling tone and settle down with some decent humour. And who spells Will with one 'l'?

"Comedians didn't behave like that in my day. You didn't see Ugly Dave Gray with paineted finger nails did you?"

that said, I agree with you about being very "same old"

and the show? worth watching during the commercials of House but that's about it.
It just reminded me a little too much of the BS that was spewed in meetings when I used to work in ad agencies...
I thought that it was a pretty good show, I found myself laughing out loud.

As for the comments about the state of decent TV, I agree - has anyone else noticed how frequently youtube videos are rebroadcast in "proper" TV programmes. I think the net is where the really interesting stuff is happening nowadays.

I think the net is where the really interesting stuff is happening nowadays.

Well that would be why alot of us spend so much time on AHB instead of watching all inane stuff on t.v. The "reality" behind brewing is deffinately more brain stimulating than that of the commercial stations.
I thought the show was insightful and naturally funny in bits but was submerged behind some unnecessary and truly lame one-liners. I particularly didn't like the big guy and Wil Andersen's need to be funny, sometimes talking over the top of genuinely interesting content.

I don't feel enough of the show was spent on the ad challenge as the process behind those creations can be fascinating as well. It was poorly edited, a lot of the joins were jarring and not at all seamless. It was as though they paced the show for a full hour and realised in the editing room that it had fit into 30 minutes

All in all, there is real potential there (brilliant in parts!) but they need to lay off the forced one liners and (almost) winking to the camera. Wil Andersen has to understand that it is not about him.
He's better than Lehmo and Kyle Sandilands. Wil would be great if he would just stop laughing at his own jokes.

You forgot Rove McManus...a man crap at even scripted comedy....