6. After 90mins + 30mins of adding another Starter we get to cut the curd!! Milk basically sets like yogurht and you cut it into 2cm cubes...
7. Once the curd is cut you leave it for about 15mins then turn the curd over gently in the pot..
8. Then you leave it again for another 2 x 15mins turning the curd again, it will start to break up now..
9. Drain off most of the whey (clear lquid) from the curd...Scoop the curd into your hoops....can be any shape really round, square we did both. Also note i thought we would only get about 2kg's of cheese but i reckon we got heaps more, make sure you have enuff hoops! we had to use the rice cooker basket...
Also Line a tray with cheesecloth so all the whey can drain out...
This is the left over whey
10. Now you have to constantly turn the cheese over so it drains...said somthing like turn on the second hour, sixth hour and then the next day..
11. And turn again!
12. The next day you make a brine solution (20% salt - 80% water) and soak the cheese on both sides for 2 hours.
Then all we did was line the tray again with more cheese cloth, let them dry and put then on a cack rack in the cupboard until tonight when i'll put them in containers with a dish of water for humidity - 4 weeks from now and we sample!!!