Hey kids,
It's been a while since the launch of The Brewing Network Show, so maybe it's time to let those of you who may be unaware in on what has to be the best deal in homebrew history. The Brewing Network Show is a weekly internet radio webcast about home and craft beer brewing. The hosts (or Brewcasters, as we like to call 'em ;-) ) are Justin Crossley, Jon Plise and Doctor Scott. Justin is a homebrewer with a background in internet radio, you may recognize Jon as the shop manager at the Concord Beer, Beer and More Beer retail store (he is also an award-winning homebrewer) and Doctor Scott, who in addition to being an actual doctor (OK, he's a dentist) is also the president of the Diablo Order of Zymiracle Enthusiasts. As always, helping out in the studio are the ever-popular German bombshell Daniela and the lovely Natty Dread.
Each live webcast features beer industry news, beer-trivia games in which listeners can win prizes, tasting, critiques of listener-brewed beers and interviews with top homebrewers (like Jamil Zainasheff) and professional craft brewers from around the world (like Vinny Cilurzo of Russian River Brewing.) Listeners can call in or ask questions in the chat room during the show, getting advice, tips and recipes from some of the best brewers in the world. The show is extremely informative and always funny. Plus, it's free!
The Brewing Network Show airs live every Sunday at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (Monday, 0100 UTC) at http://www.thebrewingnetwork.com
You can download past shows as mp3 files from the homepage by clicking on the "Archives" button. Show pix, Justin's brewing wisdom and other gems are also available on the homepage. Past shows are rebroadcast during the week as well. Between shows the stream is great music and the occasional brewing tip. And the newest feature at The Brewing Network is Brewcaster Justin's Blues Show, airing every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time (Sunday, 1800 UTC) for your listening pleasure. Again, it's all free, it's all fun and it can all be found at http://www.thebrewingnetwork.com
Hope to see you there!
Brewcaster Justin keeping it real up in the feel.
It's been a while since the launch of The Brewing Network Show, so maybe it's time to let those of you who may be unaware in on what has to be the best deal in homebrew history. The Brewing Network Show is a weekly internet radio webcast about home and craft beer brewing. The hosts (or Brewcasters, as we like to call 'em ;-) ) are Justin Crossley, Jon Plise and Doctor Scott. Justin is a homebrewer with a background in internet radio, you may recognize Jon as the shop manager at the Concord Beer, Beer and More Beer retail store (he is also an award-winning homebrewer) and Doctor Scott, who in addition to being an actual doctor (OK, he's a dentist) is also the president of the Diablo Order of Zymiracle Enthusiasts. As always, helping out in the studio are the ever-popular German bombshell Daniela and the lovely Natty Dread.
Each live webcast features beer industry news, beer-trivia games in which listeners can win prizes, tasting, critiques of listener-brewed beers and interviews with top homebrewers (like Jamil Zainasheff) and professional craft brewers from around the world (like Vinny Cilurzo of Russian River Brewing.) Listeners can call in or ask questions in the chat room during the show, getting advice, tips and recipes from some of the best brewers in the world. The show is extremely informative and always funny. Plus, it's free!
The Brewing Network Show airs live every Sunday at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (Monday, 0100 UTC) at http://www.thebrewingnetwork.com
You can download past shows as mp3 files from the homepage by clicking on the "Archives" button. Show pix, Justin's brewing wisdom and other gems are also available on the homepage. Past shows are rebroadcast during the week as well. Between shows the stream is great music and the occasional brewing tip. And the newest feature at The Brewing Network is Brewcaster Justin's Blues Show, airing every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time (Sunday, 1800 UTC) for your listening pleasure. Again, it's all free, it's all fun and it can all be found at http://www.thebrewingnetwork.com
Hope to see you there!

Brewcaster Justin keeping it real up in the feel.