The Brewing Network Show- 10/23/05

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Hey kids,
As a follow up to last Sunday's extract brewing show, The Brewing Network will be featuring a mini-mash (partial mash) show this Sunday. Mini-mash is a great step up to all-grain brewing that is very cheap, yet effective in giving the brewer more control over his/her beer. Tune in to find out the most effective methods, and how to get the most out of your mini-mash. Also, TBN will be doing our first listener participation commercial beer tasting! Pick up a bottle of Samuel Adams Boston Lager, and crack it open with the Brewcasters during the show this Sunday as they evaluate it for flavor profile and style guidelines. It's a great way to improve your palate and recognition of flavors and helpful in evaluating your own beers for similar characteristics.

Tune in Sunday at 5pm Pacific Time (Monday, 0100 UTC) to join in. Also, tune in at 11am Pacific Time (Sunday, 1900 UTC) for The Blues and Brews Program with Brewcaster J.


The good Doctor holds forth on his favorite subject.