GrumpyPaul said:
Do we have a final price yet?
Hi Everyone,
Yes! I've been working on some calculations to finalise this and get the ball rolling!
The costing comes out to $245AUD per kit + $15 postage (express) once all the parts and exchange rates are accounted for.
If you are outside Aus, then postage will be whatever it costs +a small charge to cover packaging materials - PM me for a calculation.
I am aware the price is higher than some might expect, which is the result of including more parts so that almost everything you need is included (you'll need to buy 240v wires and spade terminals yourself), and upgrading the power sockets to much higher quality and true IP65 rated sockets, and of course the custom box, heatsink, temp probe, LEDs and button wiring. A significant part of the cost has also been the fall of the AUD from 94c when we started the project to currently 81.5c against the USD. Unfortunately, that is out of my control...
I've put together a quick (actually, it is 30mins...) video showing what is included and how it all goes together so if you are trying to figure out what is included and how difficult / easy it is, give it a watch. It is so beautifully simple to put together. I'm just uploading the video now, and will post the link once it completes.
If you are ready to pay - the information you need is here:
Based on the first survey I did, I'm looking at getting heating elements and stainless plates to make the build process easier. So there is a quick survey about that. The only question you have to complete is the one saying - Yes I will be responsible for the kit I build, not Lael (basically - you build it, you are responsible for it). Once you submit that, you'll get account details to put the money into, and I can start ordering parts! (I'll actually wait a little until we get enough people paid for this to go ahead). I'll add payment status to the above list once it starts coming in.
Important note: I'm capping this buy at 100 for the moment, so that leaves two spots available. Once those are gone we can start a reserve list.
Merry Christmas everyone!