Talking About Fermenters

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Batz Brewery...Hand crafted beers from the 'Batcav
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How do you clean yours , I've used a soft brush and the prussure spray nozzel on the hose.
Heard ages ago not to use a scotch-brite , but my mate uses one all the time , says it gets the gunk off quick
i use a soft nylon bristled brush to clean the crusty bits with hot water.
then soak over nite in sod met. (yeh yeh.. i still use it)

not a problem yet

I simply hose them out as soon as I've emptied them, clean them with neo pink and a cloth, rinse, spray with 70% methylated spirits and leave to drain. Never had the need for scourers.
I've found that with all the WYeast liquid yeast range that i've used the yeast ring around the top from the krausen just washes off with the hose.

Previously with dry yeasts I used to have to scrub it off with a cloth.
I rinse the yeast cake out and fill it with some bleach and water and let it stand for a while. Then I use a cloth to get the gunk off because its pretty soft by then.
I then pass on the bleach water to wherever its needed like soaking dishes etc.
its not too bad I've found.
There's an idea Johnno,
Next time I clean my fermenter I'll ask the wife if she would like the old bleach to wash some dishes. :lol:
Should go down well , :blink: Oh and I'll tell her it's Johnnos idea :p
I've swapped over to using the "Bucket" style fermenters with the snap on lid. Running hot water and a finger over the yeast ring gets it out( assuming you clean after bottling/kegging).
Cleaning out the screw on lid fermenters is an absolute pain, the buckets have straight sides and nowhere for gunk to hide! :p
Linz, I agree with you 150%
But I can't find the bigger 30lt jobs , the old coopers ones with the snap on lids where tops
I have the screw on ones now , pain to clean around the handles etc
The last one I got has "Morgans" across the front of it!

cost me 22 bucks minus the tap and air lock and would hold 30 lt or there abouts
I did mean the heavily soaked pots. :D Yes just tell the missus it was my idea :lol:
So far I have had minimal gunk and after 30 litres of water in the fermenter the water is still very clean. What with the water shortage and all.
One thing I have noticed is a lot of water gets used making beer.
Water Usage

Instal a Rain Water Tank.

In Canberra - i only ever brewed with Rain water.

Ordered my Under Eave 1000ltr Modular Rain Water Tank and stand today.
Will have in 6-8 weeks.
Cost $250.00 plus extra 57.00 for the leaf eater.

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