Take A Look At This, It Would Be Realy Handy For The Home Brew Communi

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Public Lab DIY Spectrometry Kit

To quote a good friend of mine when he posted this on Facebook.
Speaking of absorption spec, spectrometers are pricey and clunky, but are fairly simple in principle. A bunch of cunning science wonks have put together a nice, simple design and are running a kickstarter so that they can start a production run. You can check them out at http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jywarr...ry-kit?ref=card

One of the things you can test is beer, which would let you know of any contaminants and give you an idea of alcohol content. They're also looking for people to help compile a library of spectra, and I firmly believe that a range of beers and ciders should be included in this library.
I can't see why this would be useful for home brewers. Testing for commercial purposes doesn't apply as we r homebrewers and it would require accreditation tests. Alc content can be identified by a simple refractometer.

Oh and why the thread title. How about public lab spectrometer. Much more sense.
I can't see why this would be useful for home brewers. Testing for commercial purposes doesn't apply as we r homebrewers and it would require accreditation tests. Alc content can be identified by a simple refractometer.

Oh and why the thread title. How about public lab spectrometer. Much more sense.

Well if you don't think it is of any use don't support it! If you don't think the title is any good why did you click on it?

It is the verbal craps that could have spewed from shaved orangutans that gives AHB a bad name. If you don't like it just leave it alone.

BTW you could measure Colour, ABV or IBU's with a spectrometer with the proper data set. So hmmmm they might be of some use to a home brewer.
Oh and why the thread title. How about public lab spectrometer. Much more sense.

Nah, a better title would have been


would have gotten alot more views that way.
Well if you don't think it is of any use don't support it! If you don't think the title is any good why did you click on it?

It is the verbal craps that could have spewed from shaved orangutans that gives AHB a bad name. If you don't like it just leave it alone.

BTW you could measure Colour, ABV or IBU's with a spectrometer with the proper data set. So hmmmm they might be of some use to a home brewer.
I asked a question. U answered. Im not convinced (colour i

can use a chart and my eyes, ibu a calculator, ABC a refract or calculator). U haven't made a convincing answer.

And for the record ur orangutan thread title and lack of explaination of reasoning behind ur statement is what gives Ahb a bad name.

PS good luck to the guys doing it, for whatever real purpose they r doing UT for. But spectro's really TNT useful for homebrewers
The posted link does not work, but the KickStarter link does, however even there the wine-spectra information points to non-existent pages.

It seems cool I could make/build one of these for $35 + some cheap stuff at home, however, the page is very sparse on explaining how or what or why this might be useful for home brewing. How and what kind of 'contaminants' would it show, and I get an 'idea' of alcohol levels via a refractometer and/or hydrometer so would you like to explain how/why it "Would Be Realy Handy For The Home Brew Communi"?
As far as I know, it is not like you can just put a sample into a machine and spit out all of these figures. Bitterness analysis probably still requires iso octane, which I'd rather not have in my brewery.

But I would definitely like one of these if I had more time, simply to play around with.

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