I have done about 8 kits now and I'm experiencing most of the batches have had a sweet taste that isn't my cuppa.
I've done a Gold clone, Extra dry clone, Thomas cooper draught all of these had a sweet taste, draught was a lot better but still there.
I live in Darwin have been brewing at room temp which has been between 26-30.
I usually use coopers brew enhancers and or light malt.
I have done a couple nice brews using similar procedure and ingredients so I'm stumped.
Maybe it's normal, Do some brews just turn out that way??
any tips/advice would be great.
I've done a Gold clone, Extra dry clone, Thomas cooper draught all of these had a sweet taste, draught was a lot better but still there.
I live in Darwin have been brewing at room temp which has been between 26-30.
I usually use coopers brew enhancers and or light malt.
I have done a couple nice brews using similar procedure and ingredients so I'm stumped.
Maybe it's normal, Do some brews just turn out that way??
any tips/advice would be great.