Sunday Morning Live Brewcast

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I should actually be able to catch this one

Looking forward to it

What are you going to brew?


I should actually be able to catch this one

Looking forward to it

What are you going to brew?


Bee Cave Brewery Haus Pale Ale. All the way from Bee Cave Texas.

Recipe Type: All Grain
Yeast: Nottingham
Yeast Starter: Nope
Additional Yeast or Yeast Starter: Nope
Batch Size (Gallons): 5.5
Original Gravity: 1.051
Final Gravity: 1.011
IBU: 39
Boiling Time (Minutes): 60
Color: 5 SRM
Primary Fermentation (# of Days & Temp): 10 Days at 68 degrees

Grain Bill
8 lbs. 2-Row Pale Malt
2 lbs. Vienna Malt
0.5 lb. Crystal 10L Malt

Single Infusion mash for 60 minutes at 152 degrees.
I batch sparge in a 10 gallon water cooler with a stainless braid manifold. Click here for great info on Batch Sparging.
Dough-in with 3.5 gallons of water. After 60 minutes, add 5 quarts of 175 degree water and begin vorlauf. My system only takes about 2 quarts before it clears up, then it's wide open to drain in the kettle. Have another 3.25 gallons of 175 degree water ready for the next batch sparge. You should then get 6.5 gallons to your kettle for the boil.

Boil & Hops
1.0 oz Cascade 6.6% at 60 min.
0.5 oz. Cascade 6.6% at 30 min.
0.25 oz. Cascade 6.6% at 15 min.
0.25 oz. Cascade 6.6% at 5 min.

Chill to 70 to 75 degrees

Pitch with Nottingham Dry Yeast. No starter or hydration. Update! With the Nottingham shortage, Safale -05 is a great substitute and will make a great beer too. Very similar.

This ferments out very fast, so crash cool and keg after 1 week to 10 days. This recipe is calculated at 75% efficiency.
Didn't know there was a Nottingham shortage. Just got a dual pack from Craftbrewer.
Might be a 'localised shortage.'
Checked my freezer, 400g of Nottingham - what shortage?
'localised' meaning he'd run out!


There are often shortages at my place
The Nottingham shortage comment was from the original recipe back in 2006 in Texas USA. I only left it in as it stated that US-05 couldbe substituted. Sorry for the confusion.
thanks for the broadcast Pete, always good to see a fellow brewer in action. enjoy the rewards of your labour!
How did the brew day finish up Pete?

Once we finally got the damned burner to work better it was fine. A long day, but all ended well. I spent about 45 minutes in the garage witht the grinder, welder and cordless drill and I think it's will be a MUCH better process next time.
Would have liked to have tuned in, but I was doing my own very first AG.
Did Rory do any lifting this time, or just piss off when the hard work was needed :D
Would have liked to have tuned in, but I was doing my own very first AG.
Did Rory do any lifting this time, or just piss off when the hard work was needed :D

Sideshow Rory stuck around for the full day and got to take home a fermenter for his efforts (and half the grain/hops bill)
Watched a lot of it, ha it was funny. :p

Mate, you are going to have to stop telling me my brewdays are funny.... or I'm going to send you some beer and you can laugh until you start crying...when you taste how GOOD it is