Summer Beers

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So the question is, what should i be brewing when im lucky to keep my fermenter at 22 degrees? i want to brew as much as i can because im new and addicted but only have room for 1 fermenter in my fridge. Something that could be drunk quickly would be good but not essential.

Your imput is eagerly awaited!

OOPS not meant to be in all grain thread, im still K+k but mini mashes are welcome.

I am taking the summer temps and lack of fermenting fridge to brew some beers that enjoy higher temps...Belgians :D

Search for some threads on this site on belgians and you will get a wealth of ideas.

Only down side is most of them require a good while in the bottle :( so may not be what your after.

Good luck
Main thing is that im brewing beer and dont have an empty fermenter sitting around doing nothing. i will do a search for belgians right now.
wheats could be good with a good wheat yeast, 22c will give a good amount of banana, can drink quickly and i like them in summer,
Both US05 and Nottingham arent too bad at 22C.

So think APAs or english bitters or a NS summer ale.

If its kits you are after try these

1 tin coopers lager
1 tin coopers liquid wheat malt
250g caramalt steeped
15g Amarillo at 10, 5 mins and dry hop.

Same as above but use cascade or could even use both hops. Or use nelson sauvin to make something similar to Ross summer ale.

Replace wheat malt tin with the light malt extract and use goldings or fuggles or both. Prob use either nottingham or S-04 in this case.
Both US05 and Nottingham arent too bad at 22C.

Same as above but use cascade or could even use both hops. Or use nelson sauvin to make something similar to Ross summer ale.

Replace wheat malt tin with the light malt extract and use goldings or fuggles or both. Prob use either nottingham or S-04 in this case.
Agree with that. The combination amarillo/cascade works particularly well in that brew. Many English yeasts can be brewed that warm to give full character to the yeast...just keep a stick next to the fermenter in case it jumps out and tries to bite you. ;)
If going with the english as drS suggested, imo add about 50g of choc as well. I would go fuggle for the 15 and styrian golding for the 5, but horses for courses. Same basic recipe and schedule, but can change it up in dozens of slightly different combinations.
In the summer I like to brew kits such as Coopers Cervaza, and just use the yeast in the kit as it seems to be pretty tolerant of temperatures, or if you are able to keep the temp down a little, try Coopers Pale Ale yeast from a bottle.

Drinking a Coopers Cervaza made with Lyle's Golden Syrup instead of sugar/dextrose, and it comes out nice and dry, and is an easy summer quaffer for a kit beer.

wheats could be good with a good wheat yeast, 22c will give a good amount of banana, can drink quickly and i like them in summer,
I agree, wheat beers are quick turnaround and great Summer drinking.

I'd recommend a simple extract recipe and a small boil (under 10 litres) and a good Weizen yeast.
Extract is easy enough. Just don't boil over on the stove, or you may be singing Soprano.

Yank-style wheat beer are also easy drinking, can be made with extract and hops, with a small boil. Just substitute US-05 for the wheat yeast, and add some late hopping. Easy. More details?

I made a lemon beer a few months back for SWMBO, twas

Coopers Cerveza
1kg dex
juice of 4 lemons
kit yeast

I just boiled the lemon juice with the dex for 5-10 mins in a couple of litres of water, dumped it in the fermenter and topped up to 23 litres. For a beer that looks so shithouse on paper it's good for those days when you just finished mowing the lawn in 40 degree heat, and most importantly, the boss missus likes it. I don't mind the odd one myself, but if theres a wheatie or a pale ale in the fridge then :icon_drunk:
Not sure what type of beers you could do but when my fermenting fridge is full and its hot i put the fermenter in a esky with ice covered with a wet towel and add ice like a frozen cordial container once a day. If it gets to hot i just take the towel of.
Not sure what type of beers you could do but when my fermenting fridge is full and its hot i put the fermenter in a esky with ice covered with a wet towel and add ice like a frozen cordial container once a day. If it gets to hot i just take the towel of.
I like the frozen cordial bottle idea, there, mate.

In summer, brew crazy arse big Belgians, and high yeast character english ales and stouts to drink in winter.
In Winter brew and lager dry saazy pilsners and American wheat beers to drink in summer.
But, Im guessing, like me.. you have just ran out of beer... again.

My summer favorite this year, was a lightly hopped golden ale fermented hot with Ardenes yeast.

Pilsner Malt 80%
Aromatic 10%
Sugar 10%
15g saaz 60 min
15g saaz 5 min
Ardenes yeast
Target 6% abv and plan on dry attenuation, like 1008 or something.
Definitely agree with the Nottingham. It's a very flexible yeast and does ok at 22, and makes a good pseudo-lager at 14 - 16. A good quick UK light coloured bitter (say 5kg Maris Otter 65 degrees and only 100g crystal plus Fuggles, Challenger and dry hopped with Goldings or Styrians) is a good blonde summer ale if drunk at 10 degrees.
Thought the site a problem. just beat me to a reply. Understand now.


Where did you get the Lyle's Golden Syrup ?

I want to find some for an ESB.

Thought the site a problem. just beat me to a reply. Understand now.


Where did you get the Lyle's Golden Syrup ?

I want to find some for an ESB.


IGA stores often stock it, Our local Woolies doesn't stock it any more. Maybe try ringing around the super IGAs in your area. Thanks for jogging my memory, I might put a can in my next Burton Ale.
Re: Lyle's Golden Syrup - the only place around here that stocks it is our local Foodland supermarket. I reckon I am the only person who buys it, so I like to stock up in case they ever decide to discontinue it. It is way nicer than CSR, and the kids use it also in place of honey etc on toast, and they refuse to eat the CSR stuff.

I agree with BribieG about looking at the IGA's in your area, hope you find some around though, maybe someone more local to you might be able to suggest a supplier?

ive got a coopers pale ale going at the moment using coopers bottle yeast, had it at 18 degrees for 3 days but has crept up to 22 over the last 2. im swapping wet towels that i keep in the fridge to get them cold with a fan on them 24/7. i have to go away this weekend and its not going to be ready by then so worried its going to get way higher.

im leaning towards a wheat beer for the quick turn around because supplies are running low(out). so a wheat beer using a Weizen yeast sounds the go, can i get some more specifics? not to picky, the way things are going its going to ferment at 22- 24 degrees if im lucky and diligent.

im liking Dr smurto's idea but Les the Weizguy can you give me more details please?
DrSmurtos has a tin of wheat malt in it, but its not a wheat beer...its an's a basic kit variation of his Golden Ale. ;)

I'll let Wes or others make suggestions on wheat recipes....I know sfa about them.
cosmo also if you head down to BigW or bunning and grab yourself a 15 or 20 litre bucket (BigW sells the blue bins with open lids for $6-$8)
drop your fermenter in that with the towel and fill the water near the top you can then fit 2 1.25litre frozen coke bottle in around it

with the towel sitting in water and the fan blowing over it acts like a wick and draws the water up the towel continuously

the 10litres of water should lat about 3-4 days depending on how hot it gets


edit spelling
thanks Butters, might try DrSmurtos but will wait to see what other ideas appear 1st.

Tom good idea, will give that ago, freezing blocks as i type.