Summer Beers

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Ive used a dead fridge to ferment in for a year now. Used frozen 2L juice bottles. 2 at a time, rotated morning and night worked very well. Picked up a free working fridge on the weekend so the dead fridge will now be the backup.

Also used the wet towel and a fan trick but went a step further and sat the fermenter in a shallow dish of water with the towels sitting in the water. They draw up the water which provides the evaporative cooling effect.

And yes, the recipe i gave is the kit version of my golden ale. It came well before the AG version. The tin of coopers wheat malt extract is actually 50/50 wheat/barley so that amounts to ~20-25% wheat for the beer.
Dead fridge is the go, if you have space. If it wasn't for my fridge that I picked up in December I wouldn't be able to brew at the moment. It's currently sitting at 18 degrees with two 2L frozen PET bottles changed morning and night.
Both US05 and Nottingham arent too bad at 22C.

So think APAs or english bitters or a NS summer ale.

If its kits you are after try these

1 tin coopers lager
1 tin coopers liquid wheat malt
250g caramalt steeped
15g Amarillo at 10, 5 mins and dry hop.

Same as above but use cascade or could even use both hops. Or use nelson sauvin to make something similar to Ross summer ale.

Replace wheat malt tin with the light malt extract and use goldings or fuggles or both. Prob use either nottingham or S-04 in this case.

If I wanted to do this recipe but use grain wheat malt instead, how much would I have to mash?

Is liquid wheat malt only wheat or would I need other grains too apart from the caramalt?
The wheat malt tin is 1.5kg which is 50/50 wheat barley.

So 0.75kg wheat extract, which roughly computes to 1.0kg of wheat malt (assuming an efficiency of 70%)

So if I was to use 1kg wheat malt and 1kg of ale or pilsner malt all would be good?
Gets out can opener and reaches for can of worms.....

If you are going to the effort of mashing the wheat i would sub in some munich rather than ale malt.

1kg of each. Mash the caramalt in there as well.

You can still add a tin of coopers lager in to the mix (at flameout) and keep hopping as previously listed.

How big are your pots you plan on mashing/boiling in?

I have got a 9-10 litre and a 19 litre pots.

I was thinking of maybe trying a mini partial biab