Style Of The Week 25/10/06 - Robust Porter

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my 2 cents...

did I hear someone say B. anomalus? Did someone say beer swap?

Maybe we need to start a Beer Swap section, where a barter system would allow you to trade beer with a translocated brew buddy. 1, 6, 12 or 2 dozen.

back to the thread - Warren, I think that a cold-brewed dunkelchocweizen-porter brewed with W3068 would impress you as a porter with an unusually rounded and smooth finish (due to the Carafa I and the Munich combined with the mild esters of a 16C ferment with weissen yeast).
Robust? well maybe down the scale from Rrrrobust coffee, but drinkable like an "old" in the style of the Hunter.
It went like hotcakes at the wedding reception. I'm glad I put the keg on for the lunchtime rush.

Seth :beerbang:
Well this weekend im putting down my robust porter w/cocoa. Got a 250g container of van houten coco in Thailand when i was there in Feb. Never seen it on the shelves ere. The best cocoa ive ever had in a hot chocolate. Might add an interesting depth into the porter's flavour! Only time will tell!

REAL Chocolate Porter by Fourstar

23L Batch.

4.5 kg JWM Traditional Ale Malt
1 kg JWM Light Munich
0.5 kg JWM Crystal 140
0.2 kg Weyermann Carafa Special II
0.2 kg JWM Chocolate Malt
0.15 kg Hoepfner Black Malt

50 g Goldings, East Kent (Pellets, 5.0 AA%, 60 mins)
20 g Fuggles (Pellets, 4.5 AA%, 20 mins)
10 g Fuggles (Pellets, 4.5 AA%, 0 mins)
10 g Goldings, East Kent (Pellets, 5.0 AA%, 0 mins)

50 g Unsweetened cocoa (5mins)

US-05 - American Ale

Hope to brew this soon, as we're moving out in a few weeks, so want to get this brewed and bottled before then. At least cubed.

82.5% TF MO
5.3% Aromatic
5.3% Spec b
4.4% Pale choc
1.8% Black
.9% Roast barley.

Galena 60 mins

1469, or 1968


38 IBU
About to brew a Robust Porter (almost a Brown Porter) today... what are people's thoughts on my recipe?

26l batch. BIAB. NC. 69% efficiency.
1049OG. 56.7EBC. 4.8% ABV. 24.2IBU (not adjusted for NC).

4.7kg Simpsons Maris Otter
600g Wey CaraMunich II
400g Simpsons Medium Crystal
250g JW Wheat
200g Simpsons Dark Chocolate
150g Simpsons Black Malt

35g EK Goldings @ 60mins (5.5%)
20g UK Fuggle @ 15mins (4.5%)
10g EK Goldings @ flame out (5.5%)

Yeast nutrient.

60min mash @ 66-degrees.
90 min boil.

Ferment with 1084, Irish Ale for 2-weeks at 18-degrees.
Too much crystal and no need for the wheat. Not convinced you need the caramunich either.
I should point out that I am in the unfortunate position of having my grain all cracked and mixed... it's the last time I will have to do this, hoping to have my mill up and running this weekend.

Is that amount of Crystal going to mess things up a great deal?

Is the hopping schedule okay? I just don't want to end up with too much hop character - or the wrong sort.
I agree with Manticle. Except I'd push the caramunich up to 1kg. Mind you he is a very experienced brewer. (I'm not being sarcastic either). Any advice he has ever given me has been spot on.

Oops beat me to it Spiesy
Spiesy said:
I should point out that I am in the unfortunate position of having my grain all cracked and mixed... it's the last time I will have to do this, hoping to have my mill up and running this weekend.

Is that amount of Crystal going to mess things up a great deal?

Is the hopping schedule okay? I just don't want to end up with too much hop character - or the wrong sort.
I wouldn't bother with the flameout personally. Just add it to the 15min. I actually have brewed some Porters that have done OK so it is a rare occasion I can actually give advice.
Hop type and schedule is fine although the flameout addition is probably unnecessary. RP is not really a hop driven style and the hops will happily take a back seat to malt and a hint of roast. Bittering only would be fine too although I like a small flavour addition too.

If it's already cracked then grist-wise you'll have to run with it. The choc and black will help cut through the caramel sweetness.
Any suggestions for a kits and bits version?

Perhaps a stout base, wheat lme, possibly some caraaroma? And the above hopping schedule?
Stout base will make a stout.

Get a pale base, add roasted spec malts and a bit of UK crystal, light flavour hopping only (tin will be pre-bittered).