Strongest Beer You Have Made?

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This has been my desktop for ages :super:
When you say 400 IBUs (I've seen this said of a couple of brews), what exactly do you mean???
IBU is a measure of dissolved isohumulone in the finished beer. 400 IBU would be many times above the limit of what a person would be able to swallow with a smile on their lips, wouldn't it? I can imagine it being akin to swallowing pure caffeine powder... Way too bitter to notice such trivialities as flavour...

Since I've seen this said only of super-high gravity beers, I am assuming you're talking alpha-acid added to the kettle? Being a high gravity wort the alpha acid ---> iso alpha acid conversion is very inefficient and the finished bitterness would be much less than in a normal gravity wort.

Or are you really talking 400 IBU in the finished product? ... wow.

My experience with high gravity is limited as I don't bottle and can't justify tying up one of my 5 kegs for that long. My only experiments were not that drinkable even 12 months on.
I see there is a lot of high gravity being brewed around the place... How long a maturation time till the beer is enjoyable? (Not drinkable but ENJOYABLE)???



are you related to Darren? :p

sorry back on subject...... IBU's. I made my IIPA, 1.090 down to 1.007..... 11%

I used just over 600g of english hops in 30 liters for a calculated 120 IBU.

I never expected to get 120 IBU as was said, there is a threshold.

I have kind of come to the conclusion that there is a flavour and aroma threshold as well. as said, there is only so much hop oil and other compounds that can be left in solution.

THe beer was dry hopped with a technicly weighed "handfull" of EKG for a month in secondary and has been in the bottle for 3.5 months now.

It was rough as hell for the first month but its now very smooth and drinkable. too enjoyable actually.

I can easilly sit down to 2 schooners of it, and its got some hop character.... big aroma, flavour and a malt sweetness to ballance. alcahol warmth is smooth and enjoyable.

down a bottle in an hour and you have trouble walking properly.

Its a nice beer for ..... tuesday mornings. B)



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