Strong Stout?

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Certified Pisswreck
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Hi Gang.
Does this seem like a reasonable strong stout recipe for K&K?

2 cans of Coopers Prem irish stout goo
1kg LDME
1kg dex
1kg can Morgans Caramalt goo

2x 12g fuggles hop bags (boiled and added once wort is cooled)
Safale s-04 yeast.

will make up 23L.

Im guessing it will be a strong brew?? Any thoughts? cheers.
You would have a seriously BITTER beer there as the bitterness is always accentuated more by the dark grains used in the tin of goo. It would be pushing the falvour boundries of metallic.

Personally i would go:

1can of irish goo. (get muintons if you can as its UK and i recommend from past experience.)
500g dex
1.5kg Morgans pale extract (morgans comes in 1.5kg as well as far as i know and my old recipes show.)
+ the hops in a small boil for 10 mins.

That will get you around a 6.5% beer, decent body and not overly harsh bitterness from the 2 cans.

If you wanted to be 'dangerous' you could always steep some 'roast barley' to bring up the 'dry stout ' roast character or add 500g of lactose to turn it into an 'imperial sweet stout'.

Dou you know what specific style of stout you want to brew? Happy to help further.

Im currently fermenting a Dry stout msyelf, all grains however.
70% base malt
20% flaked Barley
10% Roast barley
East Kent Goldings to 35IBU (bittering)
10G at flameout

Fermenting to Wyeast London ale 1028, tasted awesome out fo the fermenter today.

with an OG over 1.100, it will be strong and sweet, and likely poured onto the lawn in a few weeks, as It unlikley to attenuate to a reasonable level without alot of help

I would suggest buying a few imperial stouts online and drinikng them before wasting all that goo.
Cheers Fourstar, I enjoy stouts that are strong, slightly sweet and have a nice smell, smoothe taste, i can get past some ordinary flavours too.
I have been wanting to do a 2 can brew for a while now.. but i certainly dont want a metallic taste..
By the way, any idea on what sort of Alc i would get by using that recipe i stated above?
10%+ I'd say a bit more than s04 would be comfortable with.
1 x Morgans Molloys Stout
1 x Coopers Dark Ale
500g DME
400g CSR Treacle

Gave a pretty powerful stout and was perfectly drinkable after two months in the bottle.

The Dark Ale knocks back a bit on the bitterness a 2xcan of stout would give.

I love it but only in small doses last longer that way. I will definitely be doing it again.

Damn good with a sweet fresh mango for desserts Yummy.
I done a super market Duo can Mix, was :

1 can coopers Stout
1 can Cascade choc Porter
1kg of LME - morgans pale
1kg of Dme
12g fuggles finishing.

both yeasts used.

fermented at norm temps, good week or so
- conditioning for over 4 months, but turned out to be an awesome drop, a very close drop to carbine stout.
very intense stouty flavours, but very drinkable to the stout fan.
I dont suppose i would see any taste diffrence between say using a can of Coopers Prem irish stout, and say a can of the Normal Coopers stout?
I Would imagine there would be subtle differences :

- STANDARD STOUT Weight - 1.7kg, Colour - 1800EBC, Bitterness - 710IBU

- PREM IRISH STOUT Weight - 1.7kg, Colour - 1500EBC, Bitterness - 560IBU

- NFI on how to convert these to understandable figures. ( someone Show Me )

I think the big difference is cost vs quality that you'll have to weigh up.

From a Noob perspective it appears the irish is a little smoother.
I Would imagine there would be subtle differences :

- STANDARD STOUT Weight - 1.7kg, Colour - 1800EBC, Bitterness - 710IBU

- PREM IRISH STOUT Weight - 1.7kg, Colour - 1500EBC, Bitterness - 560IBU

- NFI on how to convert these to understandable figures. ( someone Show Me )

AFAIK, divide the figure by how may L you are diluting in.

E.g. standard stout will be 30 IBU and premium irish stout will be 25IBU all in a 23L batch.

I'd say the Premium would be allot smoother from the lower IBU and EBC as there would probably be less dark grains. Ultimatly that would probably lead to sessionability. J1gsaw, i'd say your recipe would be pushing the boundries of 8.8% mark (my calcs in beermsith.) Sounds a little crazy to me unless you love RIS and thats wat you are looking for. If you do however want a higher alc Dry style stout, go for something like my recipe, you can even drop it a couple of L less to help up the SG to get you around the 7-8% alc mark.

My only concern is the toucan for a stout as they are usually highly hopped compared to say a 'bitter' or 'pilsner can'. If you are content on doing a toucanwith the stout, go for the lowest IBU supplement can you can.

Just my 2 cents.
Hmm.. thats a massive drink, there, mate.
Probably come out at about 11% ... IF you can get the yeast to go that hard.
I would strongly recommend, you target something around 6-7% first and see if you like it.
Keep the yeast, which will have HTFU, while fermenting, and then if you like what you taste, try going for the 11% after using the bigger yeast trub.
Just the one can of Coopers Stout should do.. throw in the rest of that gear still and you will see a big 8% imperial stout
I went ahead and put down the brew i mentioned above... crazy perhaps...
I opted for a can of Coopers prem irish stout, and just a normal can. plus extras.
I used the Safale s-04, but just one packet. Wondering should i have chucked two in??

It is merrily bubbling its head off as we speak at 22 deg, and Krausen galore, so i should be right??
well my AG Dry stout i think is headed for the drain :(

Yeast flocc'd out and didnt attenuate fully, tried rousing the yeast, warming it still no action. Opted to pitch a saf04 i had lying around as the wyeast packet took a long while to kickoff with the starter i made, it may have had a high dead cell count, packet was around 5 months old.

I now know why airlocks are a dangerous thing. ALWAYS take them out before attempting to unscrew a fermenter lid... period.

Twisting the lid created a vaccum, sucked air in thru the airlock and i believe it may have taken some airlock water with it. It did have idophor in it but it had gone clear by now.

So, todays gravity reading said it all... viva la infectione! Tasted like a winey sourish stout. I dont know if its my tastebuds playing up after a big night out but either way the body it had is now completly gone. It tastes thin, watery and mildy SOUR. <_<

Im going to give it a few days, it may just be me. The outlook seems rather grim :(

If it is, it will be my 1st infection in the fermenter. I guess thats fair from 5 years of brewing.
1can of irish goo. (get muintons if you can as its UK and i recommend from past experience.)
500g dex
1.5kg Morgans pale extract (morgans comes in 1.5kg as well as far as i know and my old recipes show.)
+ the hops in a small boil for 10 mins.

If you wanted to be 'dangerous' you could always steep some 'roast barley' to bring up the 'dry stout ' roast character or add 500g of lactose to turn it into an 'imperial sweet stout'.

sound good i will give this a go

so what hops and yeast would be best for this brew?

also if i were to add the lactose would you add this on top of the current ingredients or would it replace something?

sound good i will give this a go

so what hops and yeast would be best for this brew?

also if i were to add the lactose would you add this on top of the current ingredients or would it replace something?


Probably some EKG or Fuggles.

If you want to add the Lactose, sub some of the DME or sub it for the dex completely. You always could add it ontop of whats there, it iwll just be making it a higher alc sweet stout. personally, i dont really go for that. In order of pref, Wyeast London Ale 1028 or the bog standard saf04. if you want no yeast profile, ferment low temp with us05.

I'd be scared taking my advice, after all. i'd probably give you a lacto infection thru the interwebs. :rolleyes: im not upset at all.... just disappointed :(
cool thanks for that mate i will add that recipe to my long list of brews to try, minus the infection hopefully :D


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