Stout Of My Head

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Stout of my Head

Golden Promise 1800g
Flaked Barley 500g
Roasted Hemp Seed 250g
Wheat Malt 100g
Crystal Malt, Dark 100g
Roasted Barley 90g
Chocolate Malt 80g
(I also added a tiny bit of Maize which might just act like Corn Flour and Set my Mash!)

Northdown 60 mins 25g (FWH)

Final Volume: 12 Litres
Original Gravity: 1.048
Final Gravity: 1.013
Alcohol Content: 4.5% ABV
Total Liquor: 19.1 Litres
Mash Liquor: 7.3 Litres
Mash Efficiency: 75 %
Bitterness: 40 EBU
Colour: 172 EBC

Grain weighed out, Golden Promise Malt, Flaked Barley, Dark Crystal Malt,Roasted Barley, Chocolate Malt, Roasted Hemp Seed,Gypsum, Coffee ground Corn I picked while out walking:

Grain Temp:

Treated water going into the Boiler, Just heating up enough for a little over the Mash Volume:
Mashing, I got the other half to take this shot:

After a bit of messing about, mash on at 9am @ 67.6C for 90mins:

pH right on the money, I'm going to give up using these test strips as every mash I've done so far has been close enough not to bother:

Grain bed at end of mash:

Mash temp at 90mins:
Northdown FWH:

Hops in the wort, its really dark I think I got more colour than I bargained for! Mash efficiency says 80.5% which could be more than planned due to some extract from the Roasted Hemp:

The Recycling Crew:
Just come to a nice rolling boil:

Trub at the bottom of the boiler:
OG: 1044 @ 22c so near enough to predicted 1048:

A pretty easy brewday, sparge ran off lovely and clear with no sign of anything sticking. Did a quick mix and ran off without letting it settle, both batches were good, could it be this technique or the fact that I had Flaked barley in there that kept the grain bed structure more open??

Pitched s-04 just Dry sprinkled at 22C and put to bed :)
Nice job on the pic's and run through

On the color, i would say it looks light for a stout looking at the hydro flask but no problems i think you will have a nice beer.

It probably was not the flaked barley, more to do with the amount of Husks from the other fermentables the flaked barley has the husk removed. Its the husks which provide a structure for the wort to filter through. As your beer doesn't have many adjuncts such as wheat in high proportion it should lauter well as long as you didnt over crush your grains.

Being picky ..................... but, feeling a little hung over this morning so.

Ph of 6.0 with dark grains, could do with a little Gypsum or 5.2 powder in your mash in future. Can't see you getting 40IBU from 25g of Northdown in 60 min. Which is probably ok as 40IBU in a stout of OG 42 is close to 1:1 BU:GU ratio.


It does look like 5.2 ;) Maybe 5.3 at a push :)

The IBU's should be in the 37-44 range, The Northdown Hops were 7.6%AA in a 12 Litre Brew length, and being 'First Wort Hops' they might even give a little more due to the extra time they are in the wort before coming to the boil.

This is fermenting away happily this morning :)
My apologies, saw there were no numbers on the 6.0 section, thought that was how they indicated PH, have used test strips that worked that way.


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