Storing Beer

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Hi guys, I was just wondering what different peoples methods were for storing beer. I'm bottle conditioning and l usually start cracking a few open after 3 weeks conditioning. Is it at this same time l should get the whole brew in the fridge, or is it ok to leave it warm in the cupboard for weeks/months and then top up the fridge as need be? What's the best way to leave it over longer periods?
I just store mine @ the back of the garage which has a constant temp of about 15-20 degrees depending on season.

Never had any ill effects.

After initial carbonation in the bottle it helps a beer if you store it at a much colder temp apparently, but never had the facilities to do so.
I just keep mine of shelves in my garage till they are needed as fridge space is at a premium in my shoebox. Putting them in there for a week or two before you need them should make them smoother and crisper, especially useful for lagers of course. Really depends on the style if you want them like that. If you have space in your fridge, try an experiment. Put one beer in there for a week, then one a week later. Pour them out and compare.

Strong ales like imperial stouts will develop with time. Keep these out of the fridge for this to happen.
Good idea Stuster, l might try that out. I'm basically making sure they've had 3 weeks since bottling then just topping up Ye Olde Beer Fridge whenever l need to. Sometimes theyve sat in there for a couple of hours and sometimes a month.

Sounds like l'm not doing things too badly. Thanks guys.
All mine are in the shed - SE Qld summer might not be the best, but I try and keep most of the milk-crate type storage devices on the ground near the slab which is cooler. If anyone wants to get rid of a backhoe I would love to create my cellar underground :D