State Of The Hop

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Whilst sniffing around the internet I stumbled across this,, an overview of the Hop industry within Tasmania. One of the thing they state is that , In the developed world (including Australia, Western Europe and the USA) beer drinking is either static or declining.. Anecdotally I would have to agree with this as most of my friends that are not within the beer brewing fraternity tend towards wine or what I would call fake beer. Have you fine people of Aussie Home Brewer land noticed the same thing?
i was sorta thinkin recently that the whole beer drinking/beer culture/craft beer thing is going to blow up in a big way, if not at least climbing in popularity steadily?? who really knows...
I think there is some truth here. I'd be very surprised if the general populace was consuming as much beer as 20 years ago. I think a lot of this has to do with people being more health conscious and also, to use an industry term, "trading up". You only have to look at how many more premium international beers are available to summarise that people are drinking less, but drinking better. I'm in the wine game and it's basically the same thing, cask wine sales have been declining for years, people want better quality, but drink less of it. It's also a well publicised fact that in Germany for example beer sales have declined a lot, in Australia well I havent seen any official figures lately but I'm sure this is the case too. I think we here may be the exception rather than the rule. :icon_cheers:
I think there is some truth here. I'd be very surprised if the general populace was consuming as much beer as 20 years ago.

Or are they just drinking beer that isn't made with the same amount of hops? This is a hopgrowers industry report, after all.
Unfortunately for the likes of carlton united and lion nathan It is true. This said however the demand for craft beers and boutique style beers is accelerating, This is why you see the likes of lion nathan and such getting envolved with smaller breweries and promoting and distributing beers such as Knappstein special reserve, etc. no longer are the general public blinded by the propaganda saying that VB is the best beer made and tooheys new and extra dry are great. the later gen x and now the gen y people are developing taste and rather than doing the Wayne Carey and consuming 30 beers of low quality on a saturday night they are more willing to consume a few far higher quality beers which they enjoy the taste of and still be legal to drive home come the end of the night. This brings us to the other half of the story, 20 years ago it was almost accepted that you would get tanked and drive home, now days people are more enlightened and just are not willing to drive after having a few.

I have a few mates who own bottle shops and wineries and all of them are saying that the only strong sellers are the boutique beers, wine has its ups and downs but in general it is in decline. the likes of vb etc. has also been in steady decline for the last 5 or so years, acctually it has been for the last 8 to 10 but has been far more noticeable in the last 5. All I can say on the topic is that now is the time to lash out and start your own micro or craft brewery as i am planning on doing in the near future.
I think it has more to do with the massive abundance of premixed RTD's on the market and the notion that its ok for guys to drink them these days, particuarly the high alcohol ones.

Plenty of my mates dont see a problem with having a night on the piss drinking udl's and cruisers and all those other shithouse sugary girly drinks (yes, i still give them hell for it).

I would say that the older generations are still drinking just as much beer, but its the younger ones that arent folowing. I'm only young (22) but ive only ever drunk beer really. cant stand most RTD's.
I think it has more to do with the massive abundance of premixed RTD's on the market and the notion that its ok for guys to drink them these days, particuarly the high alcohol ones.

Plenty of my mates dont see a problem with having a night on the piss drinking udl's and cruisers and all those other shithouse sugary girly drinks (yes, i still give them hell for it).

I would say that the older generations are still drinking just as much beer, but its the younger ones that arent folowing. I'm only young (22) but ive only ever drunk beer really. cant stand most RTD's.

Have to agree with this as my eldest son is 18 and only 1 of his mates ever drinks beer. The other night he had about 10 mates over and all were drinking UDL,s and Cruisers, not 1 person had beer.

On the bright side 1 of his mates asked to try a brew off tap and I told him to help himself and he did all night. ( My beer passed the test of a stranger :p )

At the end of the night it looked like this,

Beer drinker :D

Other lolly water drinkers :icon_vomit:

Ian :icon_cheers:
I know amongst older people, ie over 30 ;-) , beer consumption does seem to be more common. But amongst most of my friends, mid 20s, wine is all the go.
I know amongst older people, ie over 30 ;-) , beer consumption does seem to be more common. But amongst most of my friends, mid 20s, wine is all the go.

Never mind MaltChew when you get older you will be able to enjoy a Real beer like the rest of us .

until then, you will have to drink Sulphur Dioxide laden wine ,

pass me my Zimmer frame !

Pumpy :)
It's all to do with the baby bonus creating the brand new sub culture of 'CUBs' (Cashed up bogans). VB sales have plummeted and Cruiser and premixed Jim Beam and Bundy sales have skyrocketed... ;)
Whilst sniffing around the internet I stumbled across this,, an overview of the Hop industry within Tasmania. One of the thing they state is that , In the developed world (including Australia, Western Europe and the USA) beer drinking is either static or declining.. Anecdotally I would have to agree with this as most of my friends that are not within the beer brewing fraternity tend towards wine or what I would call fake beer. Have you fine people of Aussie Home Brewer land noticed the same thing?

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It's all to do with the baby bonus creating the brand new sub culture of 'CUBs' (Cashed up bogans). VB sales have plummeted and Cruiser and premixed Jim Beam and Bundy sales have skyrocketed... ;)

Dam Liberals!