Maybe the first few post scared him off.
Don't get me wrong I am not shitting on anyones advice and it is all valid, it's just that telling someone to read, study, learn, get a chemistry degree ect ect. This Is what scared me off from brewing a few years after I asked a simillar question to home brewers. I have only brewed for 10 months now and I did jump into all grain. I read what I needed to and went to Craft Brewer for a recipe, ingredients and advice. This site was a valuable recourse but I get lost most of the time when it comes to the chemistry of beer making and only know after 20+ brews down and starting to understand it. Can you make 2 a cup of tea? Can you bake a cake by following a recipe? If yes then you can brew all grain it does not need to be complicated
I had never fermented anything until I made my first grain brew and it was a good beer.
1. Sort out what system you want to brew on.
2. Get a Fermentation fridge with temp control
3. Get Brewing software free or otherwise
4. Ask questions along the way and learn as you go
5. Go nuts and brew cracking beers by following recipes on this site.