Stalled ferment... my fix

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Well-Known Member
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Malmsbury, VIC
Hey guys, thought my recent experience worth a stuck ferment may be of interest to some.

I brewed a pretty big DIPA recently with an OG of 1.084, which perhaps i mashed too warm,or perhaps didnt aerate correctly or perhaps under pitched,but at 1.026 it conked out and no swirling or heating could wake up those lazy bastard yeasties.

I hit the webs and decided to brew a half batch of a lighter and lower mashed but similar brew. Once cool i hit it with a belfuan yeast strain and really shook that bucket till my arms were sore.

After two days the krausen was at high point,so i siphoned the first beer gently under the foam. A few days later and the beer is sitting at 1.008 and tasting terrific.

I'm so impressed by this turn around i'm thinking of only using half my wort next brew and dropping in the remainder at high krausen. It may even negate the need fir a starter in some cases. Anyway,hope this is of use to somebody.
So racking to another vessel
Secondary ferment even though the big breweries seem to do it fairly early 16 hours
Diacetyl results which would suit an english ale wouldn't won't too much though

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