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Stainless 3v Brewery Gear Splitup (QLD 4069)

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Okie dokie, As perprevious EOI thread. Splitting the brewery.
Creating a new thread cause all my images were corrupt and i completely cluster ****** the old one. Admins please remove old one :unsure: :ph34r:

If you think my prices are to high or whatever feel free to offer.
Trying to keep things decent but keep in mind all kettles and whatnot come with all fittings camlocks etc.
I have spent hundreds on stainless steel fittings alone - so they are good deals in my eyes.


(Its on top of a mountain with a 600m dirt driveway, so if you think your lost your going in the right direction)

2 x Burton M79 Mangrove Jack

Listed by type, with packet sizes and designation:
F = FLower
UO = Unopened = Hops direct.

Treat all as 2011, smaller packets < 100g are random from 09/08 which i picked up somewhere along the line.
All have lived VAC SEALED in a freezer / fridge their whole life. Sometimes in the fridge at <4'C. But -20 most of the time.

Generally my process involved.
Open bag, brew, vac seal bag, freezer.

I brew with them, i have never had an issue. They have not noticed any loss of bitterness from age. My beers seem to come out fine and crisp.
Note: Tons of galena - I had like 11 pounds and used it as a bittering for most easy going beers as its quite clean.

Hell, if you buy something big feel free to grab a few bags of whatever is available ;)

Hops / Gram
GR Target: 531 UO
Citra 326
No Brewer 446 / 97
Magnum 264 / 70
Summit 230
Tettnang 112
Cluster 503 UO / 224 F
NZ cascade 100 F
Nugget 242
Galena 454 / 286 / 462 / 97 / 365
GR Tradition 528 UO
Centennial 34
Galaxy 112 / 252 F
Amarillo 65 / 266
Czech Saaz 112
Columbus 240 / 103
Neldson Sauvin 358
Chinook 53 / 156
Cascade 352 / 484 / 217
B Saaz (Motueka) 50 F
Williamette 166


The below were all full bags so the ¬ = me picking up a bag and guessing the weight.
Unopened 25kg bag of Premium Wheyermann Pilsner
¬5kg Premium Wheyermann Pilsner
¬4kg Barrett Wheat
¬3kg Vienna
¬4kg Munich
¬5kg Marris Otter


Box of 15-20kg specialty malts + few weevils that ate into it. Theres some good grain in there. The darker stuff seems to be less tasty so the crystals are pretty good condition, Carapils was eaten first :)
+ a fresh bag of 2kg Acidulated
Probably best to only bid on this if your coming to pickup some other stuff...

Craftbrewer salts all like full / 3/4 full.
10 or so Whirlfloc
Near full PBW
Half PH 5.2 equaliser stuff
(Exclude the glycerine)



Brewery bench is great. Very large and lots of space to fit 3x 100L kettles.
No interest has been shown so far so hench the split. But its available and has the 4 hardwood panels as pictured below.


Braudruino Controller Box:
Manual on+off to the element and pump, via a bendy duct/hose with hand held controller. Can be used independantly of the controller.
Configured to run 3V system- Changes include a press button start for boil timer which disables pump and element, but retains hop notifications - boil is made with LPG and manual controller used to pump / circulate.
Easy to reflash with your own software / convert back to original.
Controller box was completely rebuilt by a very competent (10+ years mining experience) electrician. This was after a few of my solder joins were a bit dicky.
I have 2 spare solid state relays to include if buyer wishes to add more elements / run another circuit through it.

$80 ONO



Both looked after. Never been allowed to run dry.
1x 240v 815 march pump - center outlet, 25** LPM.
1x 120v 809 march pump - lower outlet, 18** LP. Includes 240 -> 120 transformer.
** Going off memory

Both include valves and hose fittings. (I found it easier to have hose fittings on the pumps, and camlocks on the kettles - as you generally just move the hoses around.)

809: $120 ONO
815: $160 ONO


I believe its between 45-50L
Stainless steel
Beerbelly false bottom / pickup tube
2x stainless butterfly valves - Top / Bottom
Male camlocks on the valves
Mashmaster dial
Includes 2 Female hosetail camlocks

$180 ONO



I believe its between 45-50L
Stainless steel
Beerbelly side pickup tube
1x stainless butterfly valves - Bottom
Male camlocks on the valve
Mashmaster dial
Includes 1 Female hosetail camlock

$100 ONO


98L Robinox Kettle
Kettle came with a slight ding in the top rim. After 2 hours driving to pick it up i CBF'ed returning it. Works well to speed up boil + provide an outlet for volatile oils. Essentially you dont really use the lid so i didnt care.
Beerbelly side pickup tube
Beerbelly middle recirculation / whirlpool tube
2x stainless butterfly valves - Top / Middle
Male camlocks on the valves
Mashmaster dial
Includes 2 Female hosetail camlocks

$300 ONO



Old style gas cylinder with the top clipped off and heat painted black.
Hermit setup - Stainless steel coil
2 x Kettle Elements, one was controlled via controller box, the other i ran off a seperate circuit to increase ramp speed times.
Its a circular non flat bottom. Was planning to attach this to the brewery with a tube clamp or simply weld it on. Never got that far. Thats your next DIY project.
Works great for mash and HLT.
Will include the craftbrewer inline thermowell + t piece and thread.

$60 ONO


Therminator Heat Exchanger + included inline temp monitor
Comes with American -> Australian hose fittings for ease of use.
Includes 2 male camlocks
Includes 2 Female hosetail camlocks

$220 ONO


4 ring burner + high pressure regulator.
Takes center 2 rings to maintain 100L boil
3rd ring has never had very efficient output from new, simply not getting the same gas flow. Never looked into it - probably a valve clean or a drill out.
I only use rings 3/4 if im in a rush to get to boil temps.

$50 ONO


Welded grain crusher
Monster Mill stainless steel 2 Roller. One geared the other free spin.
Standard bucket height for ease of grain milling.
Fits 15+ KG into shoot.
Wormdrive mill motor from motion dynamics
Anderson plug connection, crimped and soldered (i plug it directly into the camping battery for operation - needs like 15amp to kickstart)
Max speed is around roughly 160RPM based on my memory - it was near perfect for the crush using a credit card as a spacer.
I have the controller board for the motor, however i have never used it as it creates an electrical squeal and no was near perfect crush already.
I never bothered closing in the sides of the mill, only loose a small amount of shavings that pile up. Once they pile up a tad they tend to stop and push the rest down into the bucket.
Can include the oldschool weighing machine. its accurate to 50g which was good enough for me when doing 14kg of grain.

$250 ONO



Nevs vial kit.
Vial stand
20 Vials + stoppers
I also have ¬24 twist top conical bottom plastic vials
and Random homeopathic dropper bottles.
I can throw in an unopened 500g bottle of glycerine for freezing yeast.

$35 ONO


3x 2L Erlenmeyer Flask
1L Erlenmeyer Flask
500ml Erlenmeyer Flask


Beerbelly Filter kit with quick disconnects.
Needs filter replacement but the o ring is in there.
2x quick disconnect beer push lock fittings

$35 ONO

Bottle cappers:
Hammer capper
Hand capper
Stand capper + including original size capper + additional champagne size capper

Random growlers


Vac Sealer, No bags. Uses standard bags or rolls. No lip / groove style so many generic sizes will work.


More Beer gas line splitters.
Larger ID gas line needed for inlets.
Parts for:
1x 4 way splitter
1x 6 way splitter
Theres currently 2 of the barbs in the beerfridge listed below.
More than happy to arrange a configuration.
i.e. 2x 5 way splitters, 4/6, 3/7 etc. Theres 2 input barbs, 2 high pressure release ends, and 10 outlet barbs. Few might need seals + one way plastic valve inserts.
Slight oxidisation / rust on screw. Should brush off / CLR off.


2 Regulators:
Micromatic. I destroyed the left dial. Should work otherwise?
Tesuco. Worked last time i checked. I had 2 gas bottles going at once.


3 ruddy brumby taps.

Craftbrewer air pump setup


Floating gravity defying measurement tool

3 Brumby.
4 PC Perlick Flow Controls + 4@ S/S Shanks (May include 3 perlicks in fridge below...)



6 x cornelius kegs
1 x 9L Italian cornelius rubber top
May need to be fixed up i.e. seal pack
$40 each
$60 for the italian 9L

Fits 4 kegs. Westinghouse. Very good. Much beer. Lots joy.
Can supply the taps or not. 3 original PC flow control Perlicks in it currently.
I can outfit this with your choice of taps / morebeer line splitters. However many you want.
Includes STC1000 Controller box + spare STC1000.
(Bypassed the thermostat so its *always on* and switched via the STC1000)

$220 ONO (Fridge + collar + temp control) Happy to discuss taps and gas splitters if required.



Works perfectly, never been near a drop of liquid.
One pressure for lights, one for darkies, and a third for forced keg carbing!

$120 ONO

I will take the 9L keg and a 19L corny :) (assuming all ball lock)
fdsaasdf said:
I will take the 9L keg and a 19L corny :) (assuming all ball lock)

Ill check in every few hours. So yeah, ill process pm's etc in order for fairness.
Anyone after deals - been a couple :D Let me check what interest is out there first.
I will take 4 corny kegs and the filter

Also interested in the grain and some of the Hops (Nelson/cascade/galaxy) but might be best to have a look first?
My number is 0490048776 keen to come out today as I am on holidays!
I am coming out tomorrow, keen on some Northern Brewer and tradition hops and maybe some chinook.
hi if you would post the controller box to 3170 I would be interested, assuming postage is around the $25 mark ?
Alright, replied to most posts.

SOLD waiting on payment pickup:
Perlick Taps
Most of the grain
Flasks + test tubes

Main brewing vessels are still available and what not.

If anyones looking to build there own controller i just found a Hoffman A-1210CH enclosure.
Box dimensions 305 x 254 x 127. This things built to sit in the weather 24/7 and could survive hurricane katrina.
Comes with floating aluminium backpanel so you can install your equipment then *drop* it in.
Has 2 rails and all the stuff in there, with side mounted screw locking mechanism.

Has a few holes from previous use - only on the side! Pretty sure it held all the electrics for a plastic CNC mill or something.





Lastly a portable CO2 keg charger.

Moad said:
Hey mate would it be possible to ship the controller box?
Sold at the moment buddy, i think your 3rd or 4th in line. As in the box i just posted or the already built one on the brewery? Brewery one is sold. empty box available.