Stabilisation With Campden Tablets

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Hi, great forum!

Is it possible to stabilise a wine using campden tablets? It's a bit of a drive to the home brew shop and I have heaps of them. The wine in question is a bit of an experimental ginger wine (yes, I'm a fan of Stones) and it's turned out a bit dry, so I'm hoping to sweeten it. There's about four litres.

Also, what the hell is this: :icon_chickcheers: ?
The wine in question is a bit of an experimental ginger wine (yes, I'm a fan of Stones)

I've been considering doing something similar recently and have been meaning to make a thread asking if anyone has any advice on how to make the ginger emulsion. I've done a ginger beer from scratch and I can't see any chance of simply doing a long boil to get something authentic. How would I get that oily quality it has?

Could you post your method/recipe? And keep us posted on how it turns out.
Campden tablets are ok to stabilise a wine that has fully fermented out, but if the wine is still sweet, they won't do a complete job. It is highly likely that the wine will recommence fermenting.
so - if it fermented out, you racked it away from most of the yeast, let it sit to make sure it was completely done and the yeast was fully in dormant mode - then stabilsed it with the camden tabs..... what are the chances of it staying stable if you back sweetened it??
Also, what the hell is this: :icon_chickcheers: ?

I just checked the properties on that gif and it is called "chickcheers.gif" I guess it is exactly what it appears to be. Which is...strange.
so - if it fermented out, you racked it away from most of the yeast, let it sit to make sure it was completely done and the yeast was fully in dormant mode - then stabilsed it with the camden tabs..... what are the chances of it staying stable if you back sweetened it??

Yeah, that's where I'm at. I've racked it a few times and it's very clear with no visible yeast settled at the bottom.

I didn't actually write down what I did, but from memory it was something like

1/2 kg shredded ginger
1/2kg shredded "natural" sultanas (did both these in food processor)
1kg sugar
Bit of lemon juice

Put all this into a 1/2 gallon bottle I brought back from nz and a flagon, filled both up with water.
Leave in west facing lounge room of very ****** student house with no insulation over the whole Perth summer (it started fermenting slowly, I'm guessing because of the yeast on the sultanas)
Strained and added a bit of white wine yeast.

Pretty rough recipe I know, but it's a bit of an experiment. I suppose I was lucky not to get infections, but although I didn't boil it there is a very strong ginger taste. Success! Dunno about the oily quality (but I know what you're talking about), it's still way too dry.
Cool. Thanks for the info. Sounds pretty guerrilla. Enjoy!

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