Someone Tell Me Not To Worry

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Snow Gun

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Hi all,

Virgin brewer from Brisbane Here. Came across these forums over the weekend as I put my first brew down.

I've done a bit of searching around the forums about fermentation and I know I've got nothing to worry about, but I just need some reassurance......

My first kit brew is a Carlton Cold Style with a base of Morgans Canadian Light, OG around 1040, temp around 26 (now down to about 25).

I haven't seen or heard it bubbling, although I note that there was some froth around the edge that now seems to have dissipated.....

SG seems to be dropping nicely and I look forward to tomorrow's reading.

Had a small taste today, and it was certainly starting to taste like beer, albeit, warm and not really pleasant ;)

SG readings are:
1040 - OG (1400 Sunday)
1022 - 42 Hours - (0800 Tuesday)
1015 - 58 Hours - (0800 Wednesday)

So, my purpose here is basically to say G'day, learn a bit, and after my first post someone to say that it looks like my brew is travelling alright...... and not to panic about the bubbles (I think bubbles overrated anyway ;) )

I've read bits and pieces about seals, sterilisation so forth and am not too concerned :)

Can't wait to get it into my fridge and into my belly :)
:) Don't worry,Oh and a bit of advice 25/26c is waaaay too high for ferment temp :eek: .Ignore the can advice and ferment @ 18/20c if possible.@ those temps you will have a fruity beer.
Yo! Snow!

Congrats on your first post! You'll find AHB is a very helpful site with a wealth of knowledge on tap, excuse the pun. It is the only site I have needed. There are two threads that have recently been started to assist those new to brewing and to this site. The threads have only just been started but it would be a good idea to keep an eye on them as they will quickly develop. A read of them now will already actuall be of great value. The threads are...

Outline To Using The Ahb Website
Frequently Asked Questions For The New Brewer

If I had one tip for anyone new to the site, it would be to learn how to use the search page. This is not the white box you see at the top of the page with GO beside it but the, 'Search,' located between, 'Recipes' and 'Links' in the navbar at the top of the page. You can see the page I mean here

Using the features on that page will save you having to plough through information that is not relevant.

The reason I emphasise this is that I, very embarrassingly, only realised this feature existed after about 4 months. Others have made the same mistake - whoops!

Good on you Snow!

P.S. Re the bubbles... It's pretty common for fermenters not to seal properly. This does not matter although you don't get the pleasure of seeing any bubbles. You can quickly check if your fermenter is sealed by slightly squeezing the sides together, holding it and then seeing if the water in the airlock either doesn't move at all or slowly returns to level.
yes welcome

and just to reassure you your gravity is dropping ok even though as said temp is a little high.
if there is no bubbling from airlock which i think is your oringinal question .mack sure your lid is tight there may be a leak around your lid seal .

some times you have to crank the lid down quite hard.

delboy :beer:
Don't worry.

Have a read of the links that Pistolpatch posted. Included in the frequently asked question link is a brief discussion about sealing fermenters and also a link off to anothet topic that covers this in detail.
Kai said:

don't worry.

No, don't worry.

Be very afraid, though, this hobby can become very absorbing :eek:

welcome to the wonderful world of fermentation assistance :lol:

awrabest, stu
Welcome SG. High temps will produce a slightly cidery taste, but don't worry too much about the seal. Tightening too much can result in the lid being really difficult to remove. I don't like to disturb the sediment when removing the lid, so tend not to tighten very much, lids seem to stick a little over time also.

Edit: Typo
Snow Gun,

As a crooner once sang, "Don't worry, be happy".

Seriously, welcome to the forum. Plenty of help available here, and plenty of opinions.

Remember that opinions are like @rses. Everyone has one. Some stink.

Having said that, here are a few opinions, and facts...The ring of froth in your fermentor, and the falling gravity, indicate that fermentation is ongoing.
Not real keen on your choice of beer, or ferment temp (especially for the style), but that's your choice, coz it's your beer and you'll be the one drinking it.
I recall that Chris White of WhiteLabs recommends no-lid fermentation, so it doesn't matter too much if you lid doesn't seal.

Party on, and I hope to see/ enjoy reading about your brewing adventures real soon.

Seth out :p

i hope you were not saying that i stink ??? :huh:

i wash and wipe all the time on this forum. :D

Thanks for the warm welcome guys, sorry I haven't replied earler. I bottled it on Saturday and it looked quite nice (Doesn't all beer??) lol

I got a couple of new seals for my next kit (Based on the Blue Mountain Lager) that is now going and it was bubbling nicely for about a day then she was all over. I presume that the major part of the fementation was over within a couple of days, possibly due to the temp being around 25.
My local hbs recomends brewing at about 30 regardless, I have formed the opinion that he is an analogy of the description of opinions, odourless or otherwise.
I have gained far more from reading this forum than from he, whom I shall not name but (way) outer eastern Melbourne.
I hear every now and then about LHBS that gove bad advice... Mine gives great advice! I'm sure most south aussies would know about the HBS in Holden Hill, near the pool hall...

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