Someone Stole My 40 Litre Urn?

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On Monday I made 30 litres of Porter, divided between a 20 litre batch on WLP001 and a 10 litre batch on WLP005. Should be fun tasting the difference between the US and the UK yeasts, the UK one promising more character and a slightly higher FG.

On Tuesday I carried my (lovely, 6 months old) 40 litre Birko Urn down to the laundry, where I keep my brew gear.
I didn't lock the laundry room, I never do.
The door is closed, but not locked.
12 units in our building,all the neighbours seem like nice people to nod to in the stairs.Locked front door, need a key or to be buzzed in.
Safe, right?

Friday morning, stopping by the laundry room for my daily "let's check that it bubbles" little ray of sunshine before going to work.Did notice the clear lack of urn on top of the laundry cupboard.
Hard to miss the the absence of a box that big in a room that small..

WTF? Someone has gone into our closed laundry room and STOLEN my urn??
That's nice.
Now how am I going to brew beer?

I put a note on the building notice board in case anyone saw anything, but no luck.
Guess I will be in the market for another urn when I get time to brew next in a couple of months.

Nice. Day. Not.


Well, at least I will have porter to last me a while!

Report it to the cops and then start looking around the local pawn shops (Cash Converters and the like). When you find it, go back to the cops and tell them. The pawn shop will have to give it back to you.

Human beings can be such pricks at times.
Report it to the cops and then start looking around the local pawn shops (Cash Converters and the like). When you find it, go back to the cops and tell them. The pawn shop will have to give it back to you.

Human beings can be such pricks at times.

look for a home brewer from the Botany Bay area who posts that he/she has just gone to AG brewing!
there is a revenge thread in the off topic section you might want to take into consideration
"..seem like nice people to nod to in the stairs???"

Theres your prob dont even know the people who live in your pocket.

If its worth $$$ it wil be lifted by the anonymous people.
I lost 4k worth of my bundy collection by some prick breaking in when i was on hols with the family about 8 months ago... its a very empty feeling coming home to that.
All along i thought it was probably just a couple of kids, but turns out he was some 39 y/o junkie repeat offender, and even when the cops caught up with him, he was already in bloody custody for a diffrent offense!

I got the majority of money back from insurance thank fark, but i found it amusing when one of the Ipswich coppers rang and told me exactly when his court date appearance was happening, and exact time.. <_< .. and his name/age etc.
I didnt think they could give out so much info...

But anyway... its a PITA to hear about the urn mate... If we could shoot every bastard that did us wrong in the world id have bugger all friends.. :lol:
That just sucks arse man, hope you get it back, and catch the prick/s yourself. The coppers wont do ****, even if they do catch em' it'll just be a slap on the wrist
Fuckers, how many apartments you say in the complex??? 12?? Well that's just 11 doors to go knocking on.....

Seeing as though you have referred to me as "a big guy", you want me to come along??? :p
that sucks mate, hope you get it back. give me a yell when you get back and we will do a brewday to keep you going ill even let you pick the recipe mate. ;)
Hehe, thanks guys!

Barls, will maybe have to take you up on that offer when I get back from Scandoland.

Pollux, not blaming any of the neighbours but if I find out whom it is, I will enlist your muscles to make them want to give it back ;)

Just so annoying that someone stole if from our laundry..
I liked that urn in a clean, platonic kind of way :)

Well well, my prettier half has already hinted about my birthday coming up, so I am sure it won't be too long without brewing.

That truly sux..... Don't know what else to say mate....
A few years ago when I lived in a unit complex hereabouts (14 units) I never considered locking the garage roller door, all had our own garage on the basement level - I had an upside down fridge freezer with a heap of frozen meat, chooks etc and some desperado stole all the frozen food. You would have to be at a low ebb in your life to steal food. However with the urn, probably stolen to sell for drug money, so look around the pawn shops.
Do you have contents insurance? About seven bucks a week - seeing as it was in a 'secure' area they may well cough up.

Ross I see has Exposed Element Crowns for sale nowadays. Anyway, commiserations buddy.
Hadn't really thought of the insurance part, will check!
Thanks for the idea.

Guess I should go to the police and stuff but seems like a bit of hassle for little chance to get it back.
Will check with the insurance company and see what they say.

checked with the insurance company, they are happy to let me claim and pay the $500 excess to get a new urn worth $250 :lol:

Sounds like I am waiting for my birthday on this one!

You really should report it to the police mate, no you most likely will not get it back and nothing will happen but everything like this still needs to be reported.

If everyone doesn't worry about reporting these matters because they feel that it is useless then the police and gov don't have a accurate record of just how much of this kind of thing is going on in your area or other areas etc.

Report it over the phone it'll only take 5 mins.
checked the local church or rotary club?
but what about the other stuff that got stolen? like the bike worth $500. that should cover the excess. :p