
Well after too much food and too much booze what's the best way to see in another year of GoldCLUB? Yep more beer!!
Just a social night so if you have some beers left over or found some great beers over the break and want to share them, bring them along! Light nibblies supplied but everyone is more than welcome to bring some along as well.
We have an optional annual fee ($50 for 12 months) if you want to become a paid member which has benefits of free raffle tickets (we do a beer raffle every meeting), also hugs and high fives from other paid members. This fee pays for nibbles on club nights, helps out towards club camping trips and extra fun stuff the club decides on doing. If you wish to become a fully paid member please ask Adam Sewell at either the meeting or on the club page. Casual members (come more than one meeting per year) are encouraged to put make a gold coin donation on the night which goes to charity at the end of the year and visitors are welcome free of charge.
As usual we will have a raffle, so if you have spare beers (sorry we do not accept Coronas) or random beer items you are more than welcome to add to the raffle pile and then we pick a random number at the end of the night and the winner gets the pile!
Date - 09/01/15
Same GoldCLUB Place - Burleigh Brewing Company
Same GoldCLUB Time - 6:00pm
GoldCLUB Facebook Page
Facebook Event Link