What about the people dying from Ebola in Africa. Would you ignore them to fight IS? No, I never said we should. My point is that our politicians tell us that we're going to war a) for humanitarian reasons, and B) to combat the threat of "home grown" terror attacks. Well I think that's a load of horse ****, otherwise we'd be assisting the people in West Africa because a) it has potential to be a far greater humanitarian crisis There's no "potential" humanitarian crisis in the Middle East, it's full blown humanitarian crisisand B) because it's also a far more serious domestic threat too. Really?
We're off to fight IS because it's politically prudent for the current Government that we do so. Yeah coz conservative governments only fight wars for domestic political purposes, not to help people being butchered. Don't get me wrong, I think we should be there, but if you think Abbott, or Shorten give a flying **** about brown people on the other side of the world it might be time to stop drinking kool aid. So, because I think our government should help people who are fleeing or being slaughtered, that makes me a kool aid drinker.
Pass the kool aid.