Snpa In Adl!

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Jazman said:
I think i wait a while for me emersons apa as i will get fresh when im in Nz in a couple of months

You Lucky,Lucky Bastard. :excl: :p
don fuget ta wash the emersons down with a feed of fush un chups juzman.

bug d
while in adelaide over the xmas break i visited the wheatie twice. shut both times. rang numerous times to ask about opening times

how close to the wheatie did you get?
the opening hours are written on the pub.
Well I just had an Emersons APA and it was fantabulous.From the first sniff to the last drop squeezed from the glass it was great.Much more body mouthfeel than the others.LCPA is decidedly dry /thin compared to this.
I would like to point out that the Grumpys ONE APA that i did late last year with 1056 was an absolute dead ringer for Emersons except that Thomas's(TDH) version was slightly higher on the IBU's.Same colour,same aroma,same body mouthfeel and flava only with a more lasting hop bite.

Now I'm allgraining I've got something to aim for,(time to reread the skunkfart thread) B)
Sorry to post on topic :p but I had the opportunity to try one of the SNPA's (cheers stu).

I reckon for a beer that had been shipped around the world twice, left on the docks at 50 degrees for a week, then shipped across from perth on the back of a camel, it's a great beer. I was impressed.

I'm a BIG fan of LCPA, but have often thought one of it's few weaknesses is how it varies in flavour / aroma once it leaves the brewery. Would be interested to see what it tasted like after the treatment the SNPA experienced.

Of course you wouldn't drink it regularly at that price but is definitely worth a try. Worth noting as well as that a second delivery has arrived at the bottleshop and according to a friend, it tastes a lot fresher than the first batch ( haven't tasted it myself tho)

And......dangerously taking the thread to the borders of off topicdom ........

all the beers mentioned in this thread SNPA, LCPA and EAPA should be available for taste comparisons at the Wheaty this Friday.

Taste the rest and then tell Nat from Little Creatures what you really think of their Pale Ale.

Disclaimer: No hats or cactii were harmed in the making of this promotion.
[/QUOTE]And......dangerously taking the thread to the borders of off topicdom ........

all the beers mentioned in this thread SNPA, LCPA and EAPA should be available for taste comparisons at the Wheaty this Friday.

Taste the rest and then tell Nat from Little Creatures what you really think of their Pale Ale.

Disclaimer: No hats or cactii were harmed in the making of this promotion.
Jeez stu you beat me to it... I just suggested to do the same thing in the other thread...
Andrew said:
Jeez stu you beat me to it... I just suggested to do the same thing in the other thread...

Great minds and all that.....

BTW (veering ever more erratically off topic) it must be about time for an update on the Goolwa Wharf brewery project on AHB, don't you reckon?
Stu, it has totally taken over my waking hours... and too damn many of my sleeping ones! Its now all I do 7 days a week.
We updated the website about a fortnight ago (thankyou SWMBO) and are going flat-out to try and be open by the June Long Weekend.
We have our producers Licence, Meehan have just finished building the bottling line, the brewhouse is almost finished, the bar is just about to start... its endless!
And we just sold our house, are moving to rented premises for 12 months while we build our next one on Hindmarsh Island...I'll be able to go to work at the brewery by speedboat! (rub it in!).
There's nothing quite like living life close to the bone.
Looking forward to brewing our first ever Steam Exchange Steam Ale.... and the label will catch your eye.
Could do without any more weather over 40 degC though.

did someone mention cactii.the following pic has been smuggled from within an adelaide establishment that promotes cactii worship and the consumption of sensastional varieties of beer.will the cactii show again tomorrow at a certain locale.

View attachment 5781

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