Also, what things have you smoked?
I used a Brinkmann smoker for nearly 20 years until it rusted out. The Weber version looks very similar. I used it at capacity for Christmas. It would hold a turkey, Christmas ham and a leg of lamb and the results were amazing. The meat did take around eight hours to cook so you were up at 5.30AM stoking the thing up but the rewards were great, The most tender of turkeys you would ever taste. I also smoked many kilos of fish over the years, as it would take three dozen herring (Tommy Ruff) at a time. I think that was the main cause of the rust. That and not cleaning the ash bed out properly. And I wont even talk about the sausages-----------I'm saving up for one of the Smokey Mountain Webber smokers, they look pretty good and have a pretty good forum and internet following.
Justin, If you could find that picture and any more construction details, I would be keen to pinch them as I need a new smoker and I have a few old keg shaped objects at my disposal.I built an electric smoker, basically exactly like the Weber Smoky Mountain out of an old 18 gallon beer keg. I fitted a thermostat to hold the temp at the desired temp, around 100-105C. Works great. I think there are pictures of my smoker on here somewhere.
Cheers, Justin