You see, the great thing about religion is that a clever operator simply 'interprets' or has a 'revelation' that suits their own wants and desires. Convicted fraud, illiterate and philandering hustler Joseph Smith of morman fame is a great example of this. Smith like to plagiarize bits from other peoples texts and found the bits of the koran / hadith that dealt with polygamy quite to his liking, and thus dictated it into the book of mormon. Indeed, Smith styled himself as the new "Muhamad".
In the end, Smiths associates had a gut full of him trying to root / proposing marriage to their wives and shot the prick, so it kind of backfired on him. Literally.
Far as I know, the ancients had no problem with citizens who preferred to put from the rough. Greeks, Romans, Africans, Asia, even Assyria depictions of homosexual behavior have been found in a bunch of their art and texts.
There is however a direct correlation between the spread of islam / christianity / judeasim and growing intolerance and persecution toward homosexuals. Since the notorious tale of Sodom and Gomorrah features in the Hebrew Bible, New testament and Koran, it hardly seems like a coincidence.
Here's an artists impression of Sodom and Gomorrah and what appears to me to be a potential threesome involving some wine and a couple of consenting buxom lasses.
Unfortunately, god (s) seems to be staging somewhat of an intervention by way of a of meteor shower. ..tut..tut..tut..