Singapore bans gay-themed books

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madpierre06 said:
Is it not possible that it was intially taboo, but the wilfullness and deviancy of mankind then introduced such behaviour prior to later rulings which brought about a declared unlawfulness of such acts.
I like Dave70's answer about the religious aspect, but that would mean it would have to have almost happened simultaneously in each continent so there is a possibility that it ceased before religion, or it never happened. It will be one of those things we will never know the truth about
You see, the great thing about religion is that a clever operator simply 'interprets' or has a 'revelation' that suits their own wants and desires. Convicted fraud, illiterate and philandering hustler Joseph Smith of morman fame is a great example of this. Smith like to plagiarize bits from other peoples texts and found the bits of the koran / hadith that dealt with polygamy quite to his liking, and thus dictated it into the book of mormon. Indeed, Smith styled himself as the new "Muhamad".

In the end, Smiths associates had a gut full of him trying to root / proposing marriage to their wives and shot the prick, so it kind of backfired on him. Literally.

Far as I know, the ancients had no problem with citizens who preferred to put from the rough. Greeks, Romans, Africans, Asia, even Assyria depictions of homosexual behavior have been found in a bunch of their art and texts.

There is however a direct correlation between the spread of islam / christianity / judeasim and growing intolerance and persecution toward homosexuals. Since the notorious tale of Sodom and Gomorrah features in the Hebrew Bible, New testament and Koran, it hardly seems like a coincidence.

Here's an artists impression of Sodom and Gomorrah and what appears to me to be a potential threesome involving some wine and a couple of consenting buxom lasses.
Unfortunately, god (s) seems to be staging somewhat of an intervention by way of a of meteor shower. ..tut..tut..tut..

Phoney said:
No thankyou, I would rather bring up my kids in Sydney.
Ah yes. And let Tony decide how to spend half of your hard earned bucks for the privilege. ;)
Dave70 said:
Here's an artists impression of Sodom and Gomorrah and what appears to me to be a potential threesome involving some wine and a couple of consenting buxom lasses.
Unfortunately, god (s) seems to be staging somewhat of an intervention by way of a of meteor shower. ..tut..tut..tut..
I reckon it's a statement on what will actually happen if one of the numerous supreme deity's from any of the various religions throughout the world (take your pick, they're all as crazy as each other) decides to implement whatever their current statement of "Armageddon" is.

"Oh well girls, the worlds coming to an end. **** it, lets party like it's 1999"

"Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of 10 things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these 10 things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! . . . But He loves you!" - George Carlin
I hope the only supreme being on the other side might be Carl Sagan offering Astral travel or trips back through time, it would certainly make death something to look forward to.

And if you do any of these 10 things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! . . .

Goose said:
Ah yes. And let Tony decide how to spend half of your hard earned bucks for the privilege. ;)
I cant wait to re elect a labour government so we can all enjoy lower taxation while the government borrows the money it needs to run the joint.
Orrr get ****** mate, like, you cant fucken sell the J's mate..(cough!!..)

Dave70 said:
I cant wait to re elect a labour government so we can all enjoy lower taxation while the government borrows the money it needs to run the joint.
What is this "lower taxation" you speak of?

Isn't that just middle class welfare we all should be ashamed of getting?
'Middle class' casts a pretty broad net nowadays, all you need is full time employment it seems.

That's a lot of shame.
Dave70 said:
Here's an artists impression of Sodom and Gomorrah and what appears to me to be a potential threesome involving some wine and a couple of consenting buxom lasses.
Unfortunately, god (s) seems to be staging somewhat of an intervention by way of a of meteor shower. ..tut..tut..tut..
That looks like a picture of Lot and his daughters.

Genesis 19: After **** hit the fan in Soddom & Gomorrah and Lot's wife had been turned into a pillar of salt, he went and dwelt in a mountain cave with his 2 daughters. They decided to get him so pissed on wine that he slept with them because they wanted to get pregnant.
tavas said:
What is this "lower taxation" you speak of?

Isn't that just middle class welfare we all should be ashamed of getting?
The middle class welfare that the Liberal government of one Mr J W Howard bought in....