Shutting off high pressure burners

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Hi everyone, new here. Not actually a brewer, but came here because I think there's a wealth of experience with high pressure propane burners.

I have an older version of this burner: Companion Power Cooker Stock Pot Set

When I shut off the unit, from memory this happens both at the appliance and at the propane tank, there is a bit of an explosion. Like a sudden loud "whoomp!" with a sudden burst of flame as the last bit of gas leaves the system. I currently have two other high pressure burners (different models) that do exactly the same thing, but much less so when shutting at the appliance level. I also had a very cheap and dodgy looking one that I purchased from Flemington markets (which I foolishly threw away for my much more expensive and 'proper' branded ones) which used to run fine and never had this problem before. When I shut off the gas from the tank, and as the last bits of gas left the burner, the flame simply slowly faded.

Hope I'm describing this well enough - I don't even have the right words to land on a helpful google search.

Questions I have are:
1. Do you guys shut off the appliance or at the tank when you finish use? (I think you're supposed to empty the pressure in the gas lines either way).
2. Do you guys have this problem, is it normal, and can it be improved?

P.S: I should mention, all hoses and regulators are as per original when purchased; no modifications whatsoever.

Cheers guys!
I've had that happen, but fixed it by first tightening all connections and clamps, then adjusting the gas-air mixture. If it mixes in too much air, the flame easily backs up. Ideally, mis in just enough air to turn the flame all or nearly all blue.
Interesting. So in fact, despite the flame being blue, it might be burning lean, and I should actually start from the rich side and adjust from there, eh?

Here's a picture of the intake... Does something look missing? There's hardly any adjustment from it. No matter how I rotate that wheel, the amount of air going won't change by much at all.


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I'm using these High Pressure LPG Burner with Stand and Regulator and have the same thing happen. I turn gas off at the bottle only as the tap is already set for next light usually cut and re-light on boil overs a lot sometimes.
Also worked out easiest safest way to light is with a large auto light torch like this TS8000 Bernzomatic Style Blow Torch Kit Brazing Soldering Gun Mapp from underneath the burner.|ampid:PL_CLK|clp:2563228
You can get a lot cheaper disposable ones but i already had one of these.