Show Me Your Disease Thread

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Not a disease, but more of a compulsive illness:

Sorry Yardy, still not sure what you have, but I thought you were bagging the thread. Obviously not.

you're confusing can'tgiveafuckitis with couldn'tgiveafuckitis, the former is a physical condition, the latter is a state of mind that continues to serve me well.

made any beer yet ?
Bandito, psoriasis is genetic but it's more a symptom of autoimmune rather than a "prime" disorder. My Dad was always complaining about "rheumatism" as they called it back then - probably a form of Psoriatic Arthritis. Alcohol exacerbates psoriasis but fortunately after a few pints it's impossible to spell "exacerbates" anyway, so all is good :icon_drunk:

The keratonus sounds interesting, I wonder if it's related to Iritis? Despite being a lifelong hypochondriac I'd never heard of Iritis. The GP diagnosed conjunctivitis and when that didn't respond they sent me to the eye clinic. The guy was examining me with the slit lamp and called in a heap of medical students : "Hey come in here, you will see some good science"

"That's it", I realised, "I'm ******" :lol:
I have a sore foot.
Dropped a Coopers tallie on it earlier this evening. Fhark those things are heavy! Worse still, it was only my 2nd for the day. Luckily it was only 1/2 full.
Thanks Bribie, Everything is starting to make sense now including the spasmodic ashma which is an alergy to a plant pollen.

Yea, the keratonus is interesting. The opthalmologist makes topographic maps of the front of my eyes like a mountain on a map by looking into a cone with red rings. My previous opthalmoligist didnt send my new one my previous maps though - only my glasses prescription, so he couldnt tell if the shape had changed, only that it had got much worse in the left eye. Gonna have to follow that up.

Infact its so bad now that I actually read yardy's post as tits instead of itis :blink: (now I get it!)- I really should push the couch closer to the monitor - 2m away is a bit too far

Yea, never let medical students touch you! I still have a scar from one I let cut a mole out of my back - someone skilled wouldnt have left a scar.
Had shingles last year, but my case was relatively mild, and only affected one side around the mid rib area. Did feel like crap for a while, but wasn't bad enough to give up golf.

Apparently, if the shingles are caught within the first 3 days of symptoms appearing, then anti-biotics work well to knock it on the head. If you miss that window, it's a case of toughing it out.

I do have an auto-immune disease, Wegener's Granulomatosis, diagnosed about 12 years ago.
Fortunately, that's in remission, but when it's full blown it's nasty.

Edit: whatever you think needed editing wasn't it.

Got diagnosed with Shingles just this week after thinking i got bit by a spider while getting firewood the week before.

Most painful thing i have ever experienced

Ouch, I got shingles in 1992 when I was highly stressed at work, bloody miserable thing. Funny thing is that the doctor said "oh, that's because you had chickenpox when you were a kid, it's a version of Herpes, and the virus lives on in the nerve roots".

I never had chickenpox - I had the usual ***** typical of the 1950s, measles, mumps etc but never chickenpox. Probably a silent carrier of the virus, never mind rook we can give each other a big sloppy french kiss when we meet again with complete immunity :)