Should I Throw It Out?

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On monday arvo i mixed up a beermakers darught did everything the same way i usually do with the exception of the sugar added 1.4kg instead of the usual 1kg chucked the yeast in at 22degrees sealed the fermenter and stuck it in the spare room.
Checked on it the day after to see what temp was like as its been cool the last few days and noticed it hadnt started bubbling thaught might take a bit longer to bubble as its cooler but after 4 days still nothing.
Yesterday made up a farmland larger with 1.2kg sugar stuck that in spare room and that was happily bubbling this morn.
Is the draught screwed or should i leave it and see how it goes?
On monday arvo i mixed up a beermakers darught did everything the same way i usually do with the exception of the sugar added 1.4kg instead of the usual 1kg chucked the yeast in at 22degrees sealed the fermenter and stuck it in the spare room.
Checked on it the day after to see what temp was like as its been cool the last few days and noticed it hadnt started bubbling thaught might take a bit longer to bubble as its cooler but after 4 days still nothing.
Yesterday made up a farmland larger with 1.2kg sugar stuck that in spare room and that was happily bubbling this morn.
Is the draught screwed or should i leave it and see how it goes?

are there bubbles or foam on top of the beer?
have you checked to make sure that the fermenter is airtight? this is usualy why the bubbling doesnt happen! could be the seal on the airlock as well.

no need to throw it out just yet, if none of these things are there then just pitch in some more yeast, but do it as soon as possible, you can stll probably save it if you do it today! (though there is a increase in chance of infection of course)

also - you added table sugar to the beer? Dont do it - get yourself some packs of dried malt instead, sugar tends to make beer taste cidery :)
Is the draught screwed or should i leave it and see how it goes?

leave it and see how it goes.

are you sure your lid is sealed tightly? sounds like since you have some action, it is sealed ok.. did you make a starter for your yeast? have you taken a hydrometer reading?

Consider making a starter of 1L water boiled with 125g light DME.. boil for 10 mins, chill in a bowl of ice to approx. 22C, transfer it to a sterilized vessel (I've read some AHB'ers use 2 Litre fruit jugs), aerate, pitch a new sachet of yeast, airlock, wait until that starter is at high krausen, swirl and pitch into your draught.

if you don't have the facilities to do the above, just sprinkle another packet into your fermenter and cross your fingers.

starting the yeast will give it the best opportunity to eat its way thru yer beer.

good luck,
On monday arvo i mixed up a beermakers darught did everything the same way i usually do with the exception of the sugar added 1.4kg instead of the usual 1kg chucked the yeast in at 22degrees sealed the fermenter and stuck it in the spare room.
Checked on it the day after to see what temp was like as its been cool the last few days and noticed it hadnt started bubbling thaught might take a bit longer to bubble as its cooler but after 4 days still nothing.
Yesterday made up a farmland larger with 1.2kg sugar stuck that in spare room and that was happily bubbling this morn.
Is the draught screwed or should i leave it and see how it goes?
Maybe the yeast was too old and inactive. Did you used the kit yeast? Perhaps get some yeast (S-04) and add this in now.
:p NAH leave it and see. just check your air lock and lid for a good seal. cooler temp probably slowed it down. i'm still a newbie myself,got my first fermentor for xmas and will "cook" my tenth brew tomorrow. I've had one b4 that never bubbled but did hold a little pressure in the airlock and it came out just fine.
Happy Hunting
Hi EnergeticSloth,

Made up a kit of beermakers draught for my first brew.... Mine fermented OK but tastes terrible. Very bland and sweet, it is still a bit green though.
Will never make it again and am temted to tip it out.... but will keep it a few months to see what happens....

Anyway, to your problem.....

I wouldn't throw out the draught just yet. Even though the airlock isn't bubbling, have you noticed signs of the yeast foaming and churning on top of the wort? If so, all is well with your beer....

Have you taken a hydrometer reading to see if fermentation has started? If your hydro reading is dropping, your beer is ok...

The smallest leak in a fermenter will mean that your airlock shows no sign of activity. Check that the lid is sealed correctly.

Did you use the kit yeast? Perhaps it was old and/or dead to start with... Did you rehydrate and proof the yeast to begin with?

If there is REALLY no sign of fermentation taking place, you can repitch yeast into the wort. Try a better yeast than a kit yeast, Muntons Premium Gold is a cheap dried yeast and has worked really well for me so far!

EnergeticSloth, I'm sure it will be fine. Is there any activity on top of the beer like bubbles forming or is there any condensation on the fermenter lid? If there is then it's working fine and there's probably just a small gas leak somewhere which is nothing to worry about. If it isn't then as the others have said, you can pitch in another yeast but first make sure that the temp isn't below 18. There's quite a bit of debate about rehydrating yeast so don't consider it necessary. Most brewers don't bother as there's no real evidence that it makes any difference so it's a purely personal choice.

Airlocks are a funny thing and some brewers get a bit obsessed with watching them. If you want to relax a bit more in the future you can use gladwrap instead of the fermenter lid. Just stretch some gladwrap over the top of the fermenter and use the seal from the lid it to hold it down. You can see the beer and with no airlock there's no obsession about watching it.
what was your SG when you started take another reading and if it has droped then it is fermenting.
also test it after you do the test dose it taste ok ? if so leave it a full 14 days from when you first pitched the yeast. then test taste and bottle if all is well.

airlocks are there to releive pressure and to keep the wort in a clean enviroment .

Yeah i used the kit yeast
theres seems to be signs of the usual foam/cake that sticks to the sides and there seems be a fair bit of condensation on the lid cant see properly into the fermenter
I had noticed that prob on the wed so had a idea was doing stuff so wasnt overly worried
but this the 1st batch so far that hadnt bubbled so was just wondering thats all
I tightened the lid as much as possable so i asume its air tight or should be as its a new fermenter
i did take a sg and have just taken another reading and its droped
i think ill just leave it bottle it and see how it goes
Sounds like everything is going fine. Even new fermenters don't always seal up. Don't overtighten the lid, it is a mongrel to get it back off.

One trick, you can keep up your sleeve, since you had a second brew romping away, take one litre of brew from the active fermenter and add that to the quiet unactive fermenter.

Always keep a backup yeast in the fridge, you can always borrow the yeast from a kit if you have one spare in the cupboard.

If there is no sign within 24 hours (sg dropping, foam on surface, scum forming) you really want to pitch fresh yeast.

Airlocks are useless for a true indication as to what is going on.
id like to ask what temp is the wort at in the spare bedroom? maybe as others have said before it may be oldish yeast youve used or too cold as you said youve had a few cold days.
if youve got krausen then life is good bud,let it do its thing.
never over tighten the lid,i find wetting it with sterilising solution as im screwing it on helps to provide lubrication for a good seal that doesnt require sh!tloads of tension
maybe if youve had a few cold days put your fermenter in the window which gets good sunlight to slowly warm her up,only to 22'C maybe,then see what happens.
dont tip it out unless its infected
they both sitting arround the 18 mark during the day i dont know at nite i asume it would drop a bit while the window (otherside of room) is open a lil to let the stench outta the room.
Im not sure if sticking neer the window will improve the temp much as the spare room is on side of house that doesnt get much heat/light.
At moment seems to hapilly doin what ever its doin so ill leave it till bottling day and see what happens :)
maybe if youve had a few cold days put your fermenter in the window which gets good sunlight to slowly warm her up,only to 22'C maybe,then see what happens.

I wouldnt leave it in direct sunlight... get a heat belt or similar if it needs warming up. I use an electric blanket set to low.

or if you have to leave it in the sun put a dark towel/blanket over it so it just gets the heat and not the light.


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