Sg Reading With Additives

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I put down my first brew 10 days ago and the sg reading has been 1018 for the last three days. I used body brew which is has additives in it like malt powder with my can and probably a bit less than 23 litres of water.
There are still some tiny bubbles in the test jar when I check it and we had a couple of hot days last week wher the temperature went up to about 28 to 30 degrees but it still tastes ok out of the jar.
Is my brew ready for the finings or will the gravity drop a bit more.
if its a basic k+k that sounds to high . to be better able to help a bit more info about the recipe and og would be needed.
If its been 1018 for 3 days its done fine it and bottle or keg.

Once the SG hits the same level over 48 hours its right to go, i dont think it will drop a lot more, if your bottling it wont explode. Unless its infected.

If its been 1018 for 3 days its done fine it and bottle or keg.

Once the SG hits the same level over 48 hours its right to go, i dont think it will drop a lot more, if your bottling it wont explode. Unless its infected.


That's not really sound advice. It could just be a stuck fermentation.
A 1.7kg can of goo + Body Brew 1 kg

600g Dextose / 400g Maltodextron.

Should get down to 1.013 in a 23litre batch. You're about 5 points off you're target and at 1.018 it's going to be pretty sweet. Especially if you're making a Pale Ale or aussie beer. Unless you've added hops to the goo I really doubt the beer will be balanced if you're bottle it at 1.018 and you could end up with bottles bombs if you're going that direction.
That's not really sound advice. It could just be a stuck fermentation.

But stuck ferment or not its low 1018 is low enough and after 3 days you are not going to get it too move too much lower.

The depends part is on process and how much un-fermentable dextrins are still in the final beer.

There are too many unknowns but at the same time its within a safe range.

In 7 years of brewing if its stuck at a SG lower than 1020 its not going to move unless you add bret or lacto.

A 1.7kg can of goo + Body Brew 1 kg

600g Dextose / 400g Maltodextron.

Should get down to 1.013 in a 23litre batch. You're about 5 points off you're target and at 1.018 it's going to be pretty sweet. Especially if you're making a Pale Ale or aussie beer. Unless you've added hops to the goo I really doubt the beer will be balanced if you're bottle it at 1.018 and you could end up with bottles bombs if you're going that direction.

Sweetness does not correspond to final gravity, i have had beers where the final gravity has been above 1020 and its been dry. On the other end it can be 1008 and be sweet dependent on the type of sugar present and wether or not it is available for yeast to ferment. Long chain sugars dont tend to have a sweet taste but are unfermentable to brewing yeast. Short cahin sugars are fermentable but with a stuck ferment can present as a sweet taste even in low SG gravities

yeah I think 1.018 is way high for a k&k I just done my first extract and the OG was 1.055 and it fermented down to 1.014 I was getting around 1.012-1.014 for kits so that about where you should be at. give the fermenter a swirl without splashing the wort and see if it comes back. also what temps you fermenting at?
In 7 years of brewing if its stuck at a SG lower than 1020 its not going to move unless you add bret or lacto.


Could be bad yeast health. The wort might not have been aerated properly, the packet of yeast was old, wasn't re-hydrated, fermentation temperatures got too high and killed the yeast.

@ tomtom

Like Kleiny suggests give the fermenter a swirl to get the yeast suspended again and give it a little bit more time. I did this with a kit brew and it dropped down from 1.018 to 1.010 over two days. Your ingredients list tell me your FG should be lower.