Actually little man, you are a pretty low act. You continue to attack mine and other posts with your vicious, petty and childish approach.
It's not petty and childish. What your doing (or more correctly where you are doing it) is asking for trouble. Other brewers that are gonna read about your method need to be aware it's not a good place to clean your stuff. Unless of course you clean and sanitise your bath tub before you clean your ****, and if your gonna go to that much effort, there's easier way to do it in that case.
Yet so very rarely do you add anything of actual value to this forum.
That's almost laughable that one.
A little dull light goes off in your head and you immediately attack. not usually. You would have to appreciate though, that the longer you are a member/visitor/contributor here, it gets difficult sometimes to ignore posts where the advice is just wrong/dangerous/risky etc.
Maybe your bath is filthy and covered in germs. That doesn't mean everyone's is.
Unless you clean and sanitise (not even going into sterilising) yeah, your bath is filthy from a "bug" level. Mine is too. They would be disgusting if you swabbed and analysed them. I wouldn't want my brewing gear cleaned in that sort of environment.
How do you even know that the bath I use for cleaning brewing equipment is used by anyone?
Doesn't need to be used by anyone. Used or not, a bath is from a molecular/virus/bug point of view - filthy.
Would you have posted the same thing if i'd mentioned the laundry sink?
Damn right i would have.
The same sink in which I occasionally wash dog **** off the bottom of my shoes?
Yep, that one.
Let alone the fact that the bath i'm cleaning in has just had 10 litres of stericlean solution poured all over it....somehow these magical fairies that spread germs in my bath each night have bred a super-bug that can survive that.
WOW - that stericlean must be amazing stuff! Kills super-bugs?? Wicked, i'm gonna go get me some of that.
There's bug everywhere dude, in the air, on the surfaces you brew with, on the utensils you brew with, in your brewing vessels - ******* everywhere. Homebrewing and infection arguments are about RISK MANAGEMENT. Everything is a potential source of something nasty entering your beer, what we as homebrewers should be concerned about is minimising the damage or the frequency or both.
Your response is ridiculous and inflammatory,
It's not ridiculous at all. There's nothing at all you can say about pouring 10lt over your stuff sitting at the bottom of your bath that will make anyone agree it's a top idea.
....and makes me think you're still stinging from being shown up for the knucklehead you are in previous debates where you assumed your way was the only way.
Ahh, i knew you'd falsely bring that one up. I thought about mentioning it in my original post in this thread, but thought id let it lie.
You don't get it at all do you...I wasn't shown up at all in that thread. And i never once assumed my way was the only way. I repeated in that thread time and time again, that i know his way works, and i know my way works. I also stated numerous times that i'm not an electrician and therefore couldn't remember why others said it was a potentially bad idea, but many did.
I was informed by whatever the guys name is, and had clear evidence provided by his posts, and his pm's back and forth to each other, that make his method make sense to me. I learnt something new and apologised. Go back and re-read that thread and you'll see what i mean.
Let's stop for a minute and think about how you could have done this better (**** me it's like talking to a 6 year old). If you were really concerned about the cleanliness of my bath, why not write:
"I have a few concerns about carniebrew's use of a bath to sanitise his brew gear. Baths can harbour germs that could infect your gear after you've cleaned them. Keep that in mind".
Sure, i have no problem with that.
And then most people wouldn't immediately think "Fark me there goes tiny Nathaniel off on his usual rant again, man that bloke can be such a cnut."
Most people here don't think of me like that. Those that have been here around the same time as me, longer than me, and less time than me that know me better than you do, would strongly disagree.
If you used your same words below to challenge someone's statement in the pub you'd likely get your head smashed in. Why do you think it's right to do so on this forum?
I mean seriously dude, I have had PM's from other members of this forum talking about what a complete waste of air you are. Surely that's embarrassing for you.
Tit for tat mate, sounds like a dick measuring contest. You say you get pm's from other members, i get a whole heap too that back me up.
I'm not the greatest user of this forum sure, no contest to that one....but see those 5 stars next to my name in my profile? Other's members here have given me those. That means that some people here value my input, and think that more times than not, what i contribute is worthwhile.
But no doubt this is falling on deaf ears, and i've just wasted another 5 minutes of my life on responding to you, something i'm sure I swore to myself i'd never do after last time.
No, i hear just fine. Aswell as a brewer, i'm also a pro muso/private music tutor for a living. My ears work just fine and/or dandy.
Go buy yourself a box set of Mythbusters for xmas, and make sure it includes the episode that shows the toilet seat harbours less germs than the kitchen sink....then freak out about me cleaning my gear in a pristine bath.
Haha, classic. Pristine bath. Yeah, cause if something "looks" clean, then it must be all good to go yeah?? Bell-end...
Any chance you could actually tell the OP your way of cleaning/sanitising your gear? Or unlike me, are you too scared of having your methods put up for public scrutiny after pissing all over everyone else's?
I'd gladly share my cleaning process mate but adding that to this post, at this time doesn't feel appropriate. When i've finished writing this i'm gonna go have a coffee and start the day properly.
I am producing HOME BREW here fer chrissakes, at a cost of $10 a slab. I'm not making baby formula. I use a risk vs reward model to decide on my processes, and so far i've made nothing but infection free, top quality beer. There's a million things I could do better, and i'm tipping the same thing goes for 99% of home brewers on this forum. Just coz I do something others might disagree with doesn't give you the right to scream "you've got to be ******* kidding me", and make some smart arse comment about a dish cloth.
Did i hurt your feelings with "you've got to be ******* kidding me?"?. Toughen up tiger, the world's full of nasty/passionate people and every once in a while, the strength of their words
Grow up and stop acting like a complete turd.