SA AHB Xmas Case 2005

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just had tda bitter

a nice easy drinking beer cit is clean with a nice touch of hops and the end of the palate and just the right carbination for an english style beer i could drink this beer all day top job TDA

Mah mild while the beer is young it is also anothe easy dringing ale and in good balance of hops and malt and right carbination for style i could also drink theis beer all day top job MAH
well heres hawkesys irish red
1st pour
nice gold/slight hint of red
nice firm lite head,good carbonation for this style
1st taste=very smooth,malt flavor ,somthing else there that i can taste but not sure what it is,very nice though,not sure if its the melanoidin or crystal that i can taste
im not able to disect beers very well with my lack of knowledge

im down to the end of this one and cant crack that flavor,i know this sounds a bit stupid but its like a nutty flavor that i can taste on the palate
nice lacing still got a head and clean finnish

what hops did you use hawkey
GMK's TT Clone
Colour is golden, slight haze, extremely over carbonated.
Aroma is low levels of what you expect in a wheat beer with a sour note in the background. It has a no distinctive flavours, although it is balanced and had a very light dry body. My wife described the aftertaste of that of a cleaning fluid.

Sorry GMK, but I think with the over carbonation, dryness and taste combination, we have a clear case of bacterial infection in this one.

Ok another GMK one - The ICS

Only one comment on this one - nice choc / roast aroma, but it has the same infection as the TT clone :(

Next one up is Jayse's Skunk Fart Pale Ale

Bit disappointed with this one compared to some of the other versions of this one that I have had, but still a good beer
High carbonation (fraction too high), nice white head, good head retention, (probably wouldn't be as good it the carbonation was lower)
Citris / floral aroma dominates. Definite citrus hop flavour which lingers, bitterness balanced with the malt but it could have a bit more bitterness.

A very drinkable beer


From memory the Hops were Target pellets, looking at my promash recipe I had them down as a 22g for 60 min, however I am pretty sure I threw a few in for aroma. I can't find the final promash version, maybe it's at work. Organised as usual! Glad you enjoyed it.


I just wanted to let everyone know that I did make the donation for the Xmas charity case, but as yet haven't received any kind of receipt to post here and let you know I've done it.

I've been enjoying most of the beers over the christmas period, and there have been some real standout beers. Can't remember most of them in enough detail to say anything more useful though ;)

Just polishing of Pedro's Pils. A very tidy example it is too.

Really nice and bitter but smooth. Probably a little more bitter than most commercial examples but spot on for my taste. The body is just right as it slides across the palate. Finishing with and having a lovely hoppy after taste.

Please sir, can I have some more?
ok this is J1 on the cap of this beer,1st pour,good head,plenty of carbonation,light honey color,first mouthfull is like WOW,this beer rocks,nice malt hit balanced with a smooth hopfinish,"perfect combination"top up from rest of the bottle and this has given it a beautifull full white head,best so far,nice lacing ,this beer i could sit on for the afternoon especially a nice warm day ,watching the missus mow the lawn???? no that doesnt happen,mouth feel is perfect with a nice warm aftertaste on the back of the mouth
this is definately the best beer i have tasted,previous best was J2,i have been giving all the beers marks out of 20,made up from 4 different criteria,this one has just knocked off the previous best which was the J2,this has to be an AG beer
I think the majority of the case beers are.
I'm working my way through Amac's Black ******* Porter. A very tasty drop. It reminds me of my porter but the body is a little liter. A very nice roasty taste with a really nice dark bitter chocolate flavour. A bit of espresso coffee flavours too. Alittle sweetness to balance the malt but it finishes nice and dry. I like it. A nice drop mate.
just opened up a rush 2112
1st pour way overcarbed ,but at least i can let it sit for a minute,dont mind if they are over carbed that can be waited out in a few minutes
love the hop aroma in this one though havent tasted it as yet ,still letting it settle,lovely color,reminds me of a coopers pale ale
heres another one of those beers that grabs you on first taste,honey flavour coming through ,though probably hasnt any honey in it but really smooth to drink this one
just topped up again,this ones definately a boy,
i can feel the hop bite now on the tongue,just right
this beer ,looks and tastes like the great pale ale that grumpys serve up at their brewhaus,im impressed by this one.getting near the end,still great head,taste in the mouth,love the aroma,ill take another dozen of this one thank you
just added up my scorecard,this one is equal top in my book.dam i have to go and drink my crap now,saving the beach brewery one to have with my bbq tonite,scotch fillet soaked in olive oil,garlic,ginger,sea salt,ground black pepper corns and italian parsley.
with home grown tomatoes cucumbers,lettuce,spring onions and store bought avacado
well the beach brewery pale ale was also a lovely pale ale,poured well,classic pale ale color,with just the right amount of hops to keep me happy,
another one that when emptying the rest of the bottle into my glass puffed the head up nicely with nice lacing on the glass,near the end beer has got a bit warmer but still a really nice flavor coming through,no yeasty taste as it gets down near the bottom and warmer,a delicious pale ale again,well brewed Aaron,is this an ag or kit,i would like this recipe too if it can be made from all malt extract
Fergi glad you like the j1 my kiwi mongrel lager if u need the recipe have a look in the post with a few pages back as i have posted the recipe there
fergi said:
is this an ag or kit,i would like this recipe too if it can be made from all malt extract

It is an all grain beer. You can see a recipe here. The version you have is a little different to this. There is no mash hop and there was small 30min and 10mon additions that took it to about 32IBU. I don't know how you would go recreating it using extract as it is predominantly Munich malt. I don't remember ever seeing Munich extract in a brew shop. That said I know bugger all about extract brewing.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. That is my quaffing beer.
Tonights beer was wee_stu's Kilt Lifter Wee Heavy

Good malty aroma (caramel) - flavour of caramel and a touch of smokiness. A little diacetly as it warms. Carbonation a bit high which stops it sitting on the tongue as well as I would like :p

Overall - 2 words - bloody beautiful

Just knocked off the BSVE Pils from AnthonyMac. It went down a treat. Very nice noble aroma with just a little bit of esters noticeable. The beer was a little cloudy but that didn't get in the way for me.

Nice up front bitterness but not over the top. Was fairly clean but just a little noticeable esters in the finish. If I had a few more I would be getting stuck into them tonight.
ok ive got another boy beer here,wee stu,s american indian pale ale,its really excited at the moment so i cant get to the beer for the head trying to jump out of the glass

lovely pale honey color,too much carbonation at the moment which i dont mind because you can wait a few minutes for it to die down a bit,only problem its 35 deg here and i am dying to get at this one,ok just tried swallowing the first mouthfull and its gone down the wrong way,bad start here.

i have just put the glass back into the fridge i dont want it getting warm before i can drink it properly,im going to leave it in there for 10 minutes.this is another brewer who has gone to a lot of trouble to make this a first class presentation with an extremly attractive label,,well done on this stu.

ok here we go again,its out of the fridge and looks like its settled down heaps,
yes first mouthfull,good balance here ,malty hit with a nice hop taste coming through
,theres a slight problem here though,im looking at the glass and its got an inch left in the bottom,where the hell has it all gone to.well its all gone now and i must say this is another one of those beers that is top shelf,i guess i drank too hard at first and didnt sit back and appreciate it enough,on finishing this one it is just the right mix again of malt and hops,when i took the first mouthfull and it went down the wrong way a few minutes later i thought it was a bit too hoppy but it was only the carbonation giving it that bite,well done stu,top drop here also
well im into crispys IPA now,pours with a good head,again a little over carbed,nice clear beer with a light gold color,first taste a bit of a hop hit here,tastes like por but not sure after a couple of mouthfulls,after about 25 mins back in the fridge i have brought it back out,most of the bubbly carb has now gone with small gentle bubbles coming from the bottom,the first tasting i had after a couple of mouthfuls i thought no this is too over the top now with the after taste ,too strong,after its cool rest in the glass and sitting in the fridge i gave it a second go and wow what a difference in the whole beer,obviously the first taste was a bite from excessive carb but after a rest in my fridge this is a really nice beer.smooth creamy head now,a bit of a hop bite,nice lacing on the glass and a wonderful hop aroma coming through,definately not POR hops now but i cant pick it.yes this is another nice beer from the sa xmas case.nice job crispy


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