Refractometer And Hydrometer Issues - Please Help!

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Hey All..

I've got a bit of an issue on my hands measuring the SG of my beer.

Firstly, the equipment I'm working with.

1 x Refractometer with SG scale. Calibrated to 1.000 with distilled water and also tested with an 8% sugar solution, reading 1.030 on the dot.

1 x Standard brewshop hydrometer, reading the 8% sugar solution @ 20degC = 1.030.

Both seem to read pretty much the same!

Second, the Beer:

Belgian Strong Ale, OG (according to the Refractometer) 1.085.

Started fermenting Monday evening w/ t-58 yeast, 22DegC, was incredibly vigorous all Monday night through to Wednesday morning, when it slowed down a bit. Airlock activity stopped stopped tonight (Thursday), fermenter seals check and all OK, the krausen also gone.

Having thought it fermented out a bit quick, I take a SG reading with the refractometer. Reads 1.040 - seems to be a fair bit more to ferment... Odd? Give the hydrometer a go, and reads 1.020 (@ 22DegC). Quite a difference! Give it a taste - very dry! Can't be 1.040?

So I retest with the refract with the same liquid in the hydro tube, confirm 1.040. Why the difference? It was quite mirky, thinking the sediment might be interfering with the refract, I left the sample in the fridge for a couple of hours and then took another reading with the refract once the sediment had settled, again 1.040. Even thought the sample is now 6degC, the Hydro is only reading a little over 1.023 now.

Anyone know why I'm getting such a difference in the readings? It seems too quick for the beer to have finished fermenting. But both instruments give me accurate readings with the 8% solution.

At my wits end here!


Have a search. Refracs are no good for fermenting beer unless you've got the OG.
Doh! My stupid. Makes sense now. Justed used the table in Beersmith to correct for the alcohol screwing with the light, all good. Sorry for not searching!
Still amazed the beer fermented from 1.085 -> 1.020 in 3.5 days :S

Is that normal?

I made the same mistake myself on my first AG. I contacted the refract supplier to discuss the dodgie equipment where I was advised to use the scale in beersmith. I love the refractometer for making wort and the hydro for fermenting beer.


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