RecipeDB - Summer Days Kolsch

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Summer Days Kolsch

Ale - Kölsch
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Brewer's Notes

Mash Pilsner, Munich and Wheat at 65deg for 60 mins. Dissolved LDME in wort, boiled 60 min.
Kept in primary 10 days, then cold condition for 1 month.
Primed with 1 & 1/4 cup LDME and will bottle condition for 4 weeks min.

Malt & Fermentables

% KG Fermentable
1 kg Weyermann Pilsner
1 kg JWM Wheat Malt
0.4 kg Weyermann Munich I
1.3 kg Muntons DME - Light


Time Grams Variety Form AA
36 g Tettnang (Pellet, 4.5AA%, 60mins)
12 g Saaz (Czech) (Pellet, 4.0AA%, 15mins)
12 g Saaz (Czech) (Pellet, 4.0AA%, 5mins)


100 ml White Labs WLP029 - German Ale/Kolsch
23L Batch Size

Brew Details

  • Original Gravity 1.047 (calc)
  • Final Gravity 1.012 (calc)
  • Bitterness 22.2 IBU
  • Efficiency 75%
  • Alcohol 4.54%
  • Colour 9 EBC


  • Primary 10 days
  • Conditioning 8 days
Hey Hophed.
Just wondering how this one turned out, think of giving it a go. Never made a Kolsch before looks and sounds like a nice refreshing drop though.
I am becoming increasing intertested in brewing a Kolsch and need some help here hopefully from brewers on AHB who have experience. I don't even know the style other than I am led to believe it's a sort of psuedo-lager a light style beer.

Firstly, where can I buy and 'A' typical commercial bottle of Kolsch so I have some idea of what it is supposed to be like - I'm in Adelaide.

The recipe link sounds good but what should I look out for (ie) flavour profile I'm trying to build in and unwanted flavours I want to keep out, temperature regimes etc. Any good imnformation welcome

Check out this tread on Kolsch:

Commercial examples have little to no late hop presence and finish crisp and dry

Lagering seems to be the key with this style with 4 weeks minimum recommended

Yep, very interesting that's got me going for sure. One more lager for the year this Saturday and the first beer for 2013 will be a Kolsch, no doubt about that - thanks.
I am becoming increasing intertested in brewing a Kolsch and need some help here hopefully from brewers on AHB who have experience. I don't even know the style other than I am led to believe it's a sort of psuedo-lager a light style beer.

Firstly, where can I buy and 'A' typical commercial bottle of Kolsch so I have some idea of what it is supposed to be like - I'm in Adelaide.

The recipe link sounds good but what should I look out for (ie) flavour profile I'm trying to build in and unwanted flavours I want to keep out, temperature regimes etc. Any good imnformation welcome


dont know where to find it in adelaide, but the reissdorf has been the best i've tried here, but havent seen it for about 3 years, dont know if its still imported

the sunner has been around more recently, and is another good example

mostly pils, a tad of wheat and sprinkle of munich mashed low and long, some spalt and a kolsch yeast will do wonders