Recipe help - winter brown/dark ale

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Hi all,

Not sure whether this should be posted here or in the kits/extracts forum.

It has been a long time between brews and I'm interested in fellow brewers thoughts on the following dark/brown ale. Something not too bitter but full of flavour for the cold nights ahead.


1 Coopers Dark Ale Kit
1 kg LDME
200 Crystal grain
100g pale chocolate grain
S - 04

Was thinking of doubling the crystal and chocolate grain.

Any thoughts on grain additions or other additions would be appreciated!

Not sure I would double the crystal but I would consider splitting it eg 100-150g of medium crystal, 100gms dark crystal as they both bring different flavours
Would definitely double the pale choc, it's a delicious grain.
Would consider 250g carapils to add some more body & mouthfeel
Maybe do a hop tea with fuggles or East Kent goldings & throw it in
Would sub the s04 for Nottingham (personal preference, don't like s04)

This is guesswork as I have no idea what goes into a coopers dark ale kit. Should leave you with something drinkable though!
Thanks stewy. I dont have any dark crystal at hand unfortunately.

I am thinking of revising to something like this, more like a porter:

1.7Kg Dark ale
300g chocolate grain
250g medium crystal grain
1kg light dry malt
S 04 or Nottingham

Made to 21 litres
That would work & give you something pretty nice.
For next time if you look to tweak it, consider subbing the Light DME for Briess Munich (50% Munich, 50% Light) goes great in porter.
Hope it turns out great
For a portery taste you really can't go past brown malt. Kudos to Barleyman for helping me on that one. It is delicious.