Recipe For The Megaswill Masses?

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I'm going away on a blokey weekend fishing trip in March and I was after a few suggestions for a beer to brew to have on tap.

The majority of the people there are "uneducated megaswill drinkers" and they're ranging from 18 to 80 years old. There's also a few "all homebrew tastes like crap" types too.
What I am after is to brew a beer that I'll enjoy, they will enjoy and hopefully impress a few people too at my homebrewing chops. ;)
I'm an all grain brewer with temp control, so Ales, Lagers, whatever (probably not a berliner weiss or Imperial IPA though).

Any suggestions on what your megaswill friends/relatives have enjoyed?

American wheat. 60-70% Pils or ale, the rest wheat. A bee's dick of a 60 min addition, and a bees dick of cascade/galaxy etc late for a little aroma, and US05.
American wheat. 60-70% Pils or ale, the rest wheat. A bee's dick of a 60 min addition, and a bees dick of cascade/galaxy etc late for a little aroma, and US05.

+1 for this
Any suggestions on what your megaswill friends/relatives have enjoyed?

Um... megaswill? Try searching for 'australian lager' in the google search engine. If i recall correctly there's been one or two threads about this before. <_<
American wheat. 60-70% Pils or ale, the rest wheat. A bee's dick of a 60 min addition, and a bees dick of cascade/galaxy etc late for a little aroma, and US05.

It would want to be VERY clean or those megaswill folks will poke up their noses.

I still reckon the IPA or AIPA and save it till the end of the night when all the beer is gone.

Give them a treat they wont forget.

I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with tnd.
Make them an Aussie Lager with Weyermann Pils, some nice crystal to give it a bit of colour and maltiness, PoR flowers for bittering and a nice, clean neutral lager yeast at 10-12C. Make sure it's crystal clear and mature.

Giving them American Wheats or IPAs is like buying your wife an HSV Maloo.
i agree with the american wheat. it can be as bland as you could want or you can up the late hops and have a decent wack of flavour. for unconverted megaswillers id be pushing the bland side though. 60/40 trad ale and jw wheat about 15 ibus of something nuetral at 60 and a 20 grams of galaxy or cascade or similiar at flame out. ferment at 17 with 1272 and you will have a pretty sessionable beer that wont offend anyone. i did one similiar using citra recently and it was a hit with some mega swill and all homebrews **** types even had a non beer drinker enjoying it.
70/30 pils/ale, POR to 20 IBU and a little bit of saaz chucked in @ 20 and ferment with us-05
or you could just brew a beer that you know tastes great and the mega swill drinkers can get stuffed!! when they run out of VB i am sure they will start sniffing around your keg. and when they realise there is nothing else to drink they will say
"you know, this home brew isn't too bad, thanks mate"
I made a few american wheats for a mate. Pretty plain really, with just a touch of hop flavour. THe kegs never last long though.

Also, a fishing trip usually means camping. Whats the point of making a lager crystal clear, then going camping? It'll get clouded up pretty quick i'd imagine after the car trip, setting up camp etc. A wheat doesnt need to be crystal clear.
30% Wey Munich 1
70% Wey Vienna

OG 1.050, Mash @ 66

Bitter to 30 to 35 IBU @ 60 (I tend to use Simcoe)
1g/l Hersbrucker @ 20

Go for a full bodied lager yeast such as Staro Prague fermented in the mid-range for the yeast

IMO something like this is the best option for the mega swill crowd. It's NOT megaswill, as there is flavour (Well, for a lager), but it's also not too confronting. It's my house beer.

If you use Staro Prague, you MUST lager. I've also done this with 34/70 and WY Munich Lager, and they could be drank much earlier but extra malt flavour left behind by Staro Prague was worth the wait.
or you could just brew a beer that you know tastes great and the mega swill drinkers can get stuffed!! when they run out of VB i am sure they will start sniffing around your keg. and when they realise there is nothing else to drink they will say
"you know, this home brew isn't too bad, thanks mate"

A malty lager will look the part and not be particularly offensive and can be quite enjoyable. 30%pils 70% vienna bittered to 25ibu ish with either POR or something noble. Late hop with a bit of hallertau or saaz if you like.

Alternatively do that with coopers yeast fermented around 15-17 for an excellent session ale that should keep people happy.