Real Ale Too Warm/hot ?

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Doctor's Orders Brewing
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Boy I didn't think it got to 35 deg C in England :lol:


British beer 'too hot to handle'

Hundreds of pubs are serving real ale which is too warm to be refreshing, an inspection has revealed.
The recommended temperature for a hand-pulled pint is from 11C to 13C but assessors found 44% of pints bought in 2,000 UK pubs exceeded 13C.

Publicans in London, Essex, Middlesex, Cambridgeshire and the West Midlands all pulled pints measuring between 25.9C and 28.1C, said Cask Marque.

But the worst offender was in Kent, where an inspector found a pint at 35C.

The report was conducted by quality assessors from Cask Marque.

Each of the inspectors' unannounced visits were carried out in the nine months up to February this year.

The findings were part of the organisation's campaign to raise awareness of ale temperature.

Director Paul Nunny said many customers were confused about what makes the perfect pint.

"There is a common misconception that cask beer is intended to be warm.

"Proper beer is cool, refreshing and thirst quenching."

Ian Loe, from the Campaign for Real Ale, said warm beer should never be served.

"We have invested tens of thousands of pounds to keep our beers cool at beer festivals because we recognise that real ale is best appreciated at about 11C."
Just cos they won the cricket, they think they can take our great Aussie weather too !.....
Typical though, complaining if the beers to cold or hot, ya just cant keep a pom from whingin'
Doc said:
Boy I didn't think it got to 35 deg C in England :lol:


Does it mention if that keg was stored in the kitchen , or in a shed out the back , or maybe sitting outside in the sun & hooked up using long lines.

Coz it don't get to 35 in Brittin, not outside, in the weather.

My opinion only, FWIW.

Good to see it being addressed tho. Bravo!!

Seth :p
A 35C pint????

That is just a horrible thought.
Imagine VB at that temp

no, on second thoughts, don't.
35c? No longer real ale. Doesn't yeast die at those temps? :eek:

Warren -
You'd have to actually try to get beer to 35C in a pub wouldn't you? I mean, if it was sitting in direct sunlight on a hot day or something I guess I could see it, but the way it reads these beers were coming from pub cellars :eek: A 35C+ pub cellar doesn't bear thinking about...

Throw in some rum, sugar and assorted spices and resell it as mulled-ale.

There's a way around everything. :chug:

Warren -

(Happy 1000th to me) :beer:
It's been very warm the last week, got to 33 in London on the weekend, and been 25+ for a few days now.

It is a pretty difficult issue to tackle for some places, as lots of bars no longer have proper cellars for the storage of real ale. Theres two solutions:

- Cooling room (high cost)
- Run the beer through your lager chiller

While the second option may sound straightforward, it doesnt actually help that much. Although you'll get a chilled (usually too cold!) ale, the quality of the beer suffers due to the storage temperatures.

Real ale is a volitile liquid, its still living! When it's delivered to the pub it's still under secondary fermentation in the cask. If it gets too warm, it can simply burst! I had it happen to me at Ealing beer festival on the weekend, got showered in Salem Porter because a bung flew out under the pressure from heat!

All that said, if pubs are serving pints at that temperature, they simply shouldnt be serving. If you dont have the facilities to store and serve real ale, dont bloody well stock it. Noone will drink it anyway!
Kai said:
Imagine VB at that temp

no, on second thoughts, don't.

In order to join the Pacifist warfare army of Blenheim, the Black Mac's Deathhead Hussars (yes named after the Nelson brewery), you had to skull a tinnie of the most vile beer known to man (that's how it was presented), after it had been sitting in a sink of hot water, that can was VB.