Putting Beer In Wine Bags

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Hey guys,

I am going away camping for the weekend and I want (need) to take some homebrew. Problem is space is an issue. Would it work if I decanted my already matured beer into a wine bag (new) to be drunk within 12-18 hours. Or will the beer oxidise or do something weird?

It would work, but would it not be easier to use 2L PET softdrink bottles?
That was my other thought, it's just a space issue in the esky a wine bag I can fit in-between everything else. My local camping store sells wine bladders with screw lids so it won't be to big a drama. Thanks for your help.
As long as you have a fairly flat beer, I assume it would be OK.
Wine doesn't normally have carbonation, so the bags would not be designed to withold pressure as well as a PET bottle.
I wouldn't fill the goon bag up as much as you can because of the pressure as the co2 leaving the beer through aggitation might cause the bag to explode.
At a pure guess 75% should be enough. Just keep an eye on it and if it swells, have a glass.

It is going to be flat though so if you have something which is ok when flat, like a strong belgium or stout, go for it but if the fizz is important then it will be crap.

You have to ask your self, whats more important on a camping trip, some useless tent or sleeping bag or an abundant supply of good beer, served from a quality vessel. I think we all know the answer to this :kooi:
Great idea 9 cases!!!

There's festivals, rock concerts - it's not just good for camping!

A litre of whisky and some ice in one would be nice - what's the capacity?\

Capacity of mine is 5 liters. The brand is sea to summit. Comes with a protective denier nylon cover that can be removed.
Capacity of mine is 5 liters. The brand is sea to summit. Comes with a protective denier nylon cover that can be removed.

Good stuff - got some of their gear for hiking that I use weekly. Good stuff. I have 2 and 3l camelbaks that have the mouthpiece for super boozing stealth at concerts etc :)
I wouldn't fill the goon bag up as much as you can because of the pressure as the co2 leaving the beer through aggitation might cause the bag to explode.
At a pure guess 75% should be enough. Just keep an eye on it and if it swells, have a glass.

It is going to be flat though so if you have something which is ok when flat, like a strong belgium or stout, go for it but if the fizz is important then it will be crap.

You have to ask your self, whats more important on a camping trip, some useless tent or sleeping bag or an abundant supply of good beer, served from a quality vessel. I think we all know the answer to this :kooi:

Such wise words as these should not be ignored :super:
whats wrong with bottles and an esky full of ice like every other human being has worked out is a good idea???????

Wine goons are for alcos on the corner........... not for carbonated beer

Tony shakes head...............
In no way am I willing to put perfectly good beer from a perfectly good bottle into a wine bag unless desperate measures are called for Tony, in this case space space is the biggest issue. It is definitely not something I want to make a habit of.

I put a rum and coke into my camelbak once incider, went hiking the week after an all I could taste the entire time was weak rum flavoured water. Not a taste I want to have everytime I'm out bush.
I put a rum and coke into my camelbak once incider, went hiking the week after an all I could taste the entire time was weak rum flavoured water. Not a taste I want to have everytime I'm out bush.

A brother after my own heart 9C! Often when we doing big all-day hikes - especially in summer, we use gatorade powder and water...you'll only forget to empty that out once or twice...mould!!
Ohhhhh **** yeah we want one of those!!

Im a musician who regularly plays out, (drummer specifically) and often at gigs i have been known to wear one of those beer dispensing helmets whilst playing.

That stealth system is heaps more "classy" :blink: - and it holds a shitload more than two cans.

Might pull the trigger and purchase one soon me thinks....
Ohhhhh **** yeah we want one of those!!

Im a musician who regularly plays out, (drummer specifically)

I thought the singer and guitarist were the only musicians in a band? :lol:
I thought the singer and guitarist were the only musicians in a band? :lol:
Q: Why do drummers leave a set of drum sticks on the dashboard of their car? A:So they can park in the handicap zone! :lol: Sorry Nath,couldn't resist, :beer:
I was going to post a Dave Lombardo clip Nath - the apologise for taking the piss about drummers....

So instead of doing that... here is from Motorhead who I will be seeing on friday \m/ :super:
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