Having run art exhibition openings for years, which offer booze, the "loophole" was its a private event, and serving booze to invited guests is fine, but already a back up to have someone with an RSS on site, that would dispel any problems with licensing or the cops, should it get "out of hand". But art galleries are often private property and not profiting from alcohol sales. Public events would be well diffetent, unless the event.happened on private property, and guests were invited. Public spaves do not allow alcohol to be consumed at all, especially when neat businesses, or business districts. Would not be allowed in public property like schools.or community halls. I'd say no, not likely that could go down, however, if it were a regulated or registered.club event... Its tricky ground, and from what the bloke said at my rsa course, licensing are pretty accommodating to nit for profits, but that's hazy.
Gut reaction , no, no way, but it depends on.a few factors. Email liquor licensing, see what's possible.and report.