Prison/Improvised Grog?

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Bread for the yeast? I'd have thought the oven would kill it?
I would have thought so too, but it works...
I'd put aside jam from breakfast. Capture some wild yeast and lacto using the slice of bread. Sour beer prison style.
Not For Horses said:
Capture some wild yeast
Do you think there is more of that in a women's prison? :icon_vomit:
I read about a good one somewhere called 'bush champagne'. Basically lemon ENO, water and cleaning spirit. Smooth.

A good mates wife is a guard, and like any cop or ambo, has plenty of stories. The substances some inmates will ingest to get off make pruno sound like Westvleteren 12.
indica86 said:
Do you think there is more of that in a women's prison? :icon_vomit:
Only lacto.
Harvested on a paddle pop stick.
Hasn't been too bad.
Possibly because most are ignoring it I'd be guessing. I know some psych wards in Vic have the same policy (general hospital policy) and the staff are more than happy to allow patients to continue to smoke. Very misguided policy in my opinion, dreamt up by some ridiculous OHS twerp who thinks going to the toilet requires a SWMS.
manticle said:
Possibly because most are ignoring it I'd be guessing.

No, tobacco and related products are prohibited items now.
Bioethanol production from white onion by yeast in repeated

In terms of sugar and nutrient content, it was
simple to use discarded onions as a source of
medium as they had been rejected mainly on
account of their shape or size [7]. Onions usually
contain sulphur-containing amino acids and alliin,
which are converted to allysine compounds
(propylallysine, methyl propylallysine) by cellular
alliinase during processing [9]. The allysine
compounds have a keen, stimulating smell and an
anti-microorganism function, which inhibits the
growth of yeast. In preliminary experiments, it was
found that raw onion juice was difficult to ferment
by yeast. However, the allysine compounds are
volatile and could be removed by autoclave
treatment before fermentation [9].
Ethanol production by nor mal S. cerevisiae and a
genetically modified strain of S. cerevisiae was
compared (Fig. 1). The modified strain had more
CO2 above the ethanol. The application of
modified yeast to improve ethanol production
from glucose is key in many biofuels production
programs [13].
manticle said:
Possibly because most are ignoring it I'd be guessing. I know some psych wards in Vic have the same policy (general hospital policy) and the staff are more than happy to allow patients to continue to smoke. Very misguided policy in my opinion, dreamt up by some ridiculous OHS twerp who thinks going to the toilet requires a SWMS.
Yeah a lot of inpatient psych facilities won't allow smoking, so they provide patches, other have a smoking courtyard as they figure it isn't a battle worth fighting.

Hospitals have a "no smoking policy", but unless someone is shackled to the bed (which is rare) they can't really stop them going outside for a smoke. I knew of a guy who was i hospital with head injuries, who would head down to the pub for few pints each evening after dinner, hard collar and all. GO out the front of any hospital and you'll see people, IV poles and all having a few darts, often alongside hospital staff.

Where there is a will there is a way sums it up best I think.
I've heard of prisoners in the US using lollies, water and bread to make prison wine
Another one prisoners do when they're not allowed fresh fruit is sauerkraut and orange juice
And you've got your good old pruno
One of my brewing books has an anecdote the writer heard from a mate in prison.

They used bread, juice, and spit. My favourite bit is the spit as it will aid in the sugar-starch conversion! Probably get some lacto fermentation happening too. (Do we also have yeast in our mouths?) I suppose water was involved as well.

Maybe yeast isn't a problem - as a result of successive attempts to brew ilicitly in prisons the places are now a yeast-rich environment? If food scraps attract insects, rats, etc, they'll often carry the yeast with them.
Guy one the internet had a go at pruno a few years back. Fruit juice, whatever sugar you can get hold of and moldy bread shoved into a sock.

My favorite quote from the article -

It's hard to believe this started out as a bag of fruit snacks and grape juice. Yet somehow these ingredients went from sweet and child-like to harsh and alcoholic quicker than Lindsay Lohan.
manticle said:
Prohibiting smoking in institutions containing hardcore criminals? Smart move. Love to be the prison guard enforcing that ban.
and I bet some of the guards would have a nice little industry going to suppliment their income.
pcmfisher said:
and I bet some of the guards would have a nice little industry going to suppliment their income.
I'd be handing them out for free if it kept them manageable

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