Pressurizing Fermenter

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i think we should have an award for the dumbest brewing accident.

1st time using my new filter setup, and im holding 10mm gas tube in the airlock grommet with about 50kpa of pressure, going pretty slowly so i turned up the reg and BANG! fermenter lid blows up!! haha, funny now, but it scared the shit out of me. and the girlfriend on the couch. gashes all over my head, and ringing ears, also has made my hangover headache worse.

could have been worse, i could have lost an eye!

so minus a fermenter, i will be gravity filtering from now on!

glad you weren't seriously hurt and hopefully the beer wasn't harmed or lost either :eek:
i think we should have an award for the dumbest brewing accident.

1st time using my new filter setup, and im holding 10mm gas tube in the airlock grommet with about 50kpa of pressure, going pretty slowly so i turned up the reg and BANG! fermenter lid blows up!! haha, funny now, but it scared the shit out of me. and the girlfriend on the couch. gashes all over my head, and ringing ears, also has made my hangover headache worse.

could have been worse, i could have lost an eye!

so minus a fermenter, i will be gravity filtering from now on!


What on earth are you doing with the gas tube in the airlock grommet?
pressurizing the fermenter, i thought im not waiting half hour to gravity filter. i will be in future.

by the way, the beer has survived!

this is the 4th visit to this thread as I still can't believe you did that.

Well done on having the balls to admit it tho, I would have never spoken about it ever again in the hope I could erase it from my mind ;)
Compressed air to force filter?? I would think the filter wouldn't work properly anyhow under those conditions.

Hell, what do you do when the sewer gets blocked?
Nice work Lobo!
Thats what kegs are for :party:
wakka, i dont mind having a laugh at myself, or other people laughing at me, if you asked my mates, i have no shame! but it was a great idea in theory. just wanted to make sure ppl planning on something similar would read this and realise its probly not such a good idea!

flattop, its a reinforced filter, and they are designed for sediment in water lines, they would have much more than the 75kpa that i was pushing through it until the fermenter decided to punch me in the head! and actually, there is a plumbing tool similar to that, called a kinetic (spelling) gun. i have only used it once, i will let you ponder the outcome of that one!

gregg, i could lie and say i had only 1 spare keg and therefore couldnt do a keg to keg transfer, but that would be lying. i was going to see if this would work so i could use it on a brew if i did only have 1 keg that was empty.

it makes for a good story, a couple of months time and the gashes would have become so much bigger and i actually needed 8 stitches!
I know that a few people have run a couple of PSI into their fermentors to do this sort of thing, and to make sure that the fermentor doesn't draw outside air and thus oxygen.

Couple of psi to make things flow smoothly... good - getting impatient and blowing yourself up, not so much.

I feel better about blowing myself up a little force carbing a PET bottle now, I'm no longer the silliest and luckiest brewer I am aware of.

Glad you are fundamentally OK.

On the plus side - that fementor is still a user, just go the gladwrap and the gasket from the sadly destroyed lid as a big rubber band to hold it in place.

Lobo, someone asked what would you do to unblock a sewage pipe.
Tell the boys what your trade is :lol:

cheers mate ;)

TB, i am about to turn on the HLT and will be doing exactly that in a few hours time, my other fermenter had cider chugging along. the show must go on...

staggs, i think thats what flattop was getting at, but i promise im a much better plumber than i am brewer! after all, all us plumbers need to know is shit runs downhill and paydays on a thursday!

LMAO didn't know u were a plumber..... remind me not to help you unblock the pipes....
In future I'll keep an eye out for your name to pop up in the Darwin awards. :huh:
That happened to a mate of mine just the other day :p
Glad you didn't loose an eye... but at least you learned from your mistakes. Be glad you werent using a glass fermenter, could have been a million times worse.

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