Pressure For Gas Burners.

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I have purchased an electronic control for a LPG solenoid valve. It includes flame detection and ignition.
I have sourced a few quotes on solenoid valves and I can get the following;
3/8bsp with 8mm orifice 100Kpaworking pressure $91.70
3/8bsp with 10mm orifice 50Kpa working pressure $102.00
The adjustable regulator I have can go to 400kPa.

So the question is what pressure do others use on all the various burners out there?
If I can get away using 100Kpa then my search is over.

I'm currently using a nasa burner with a fisher 67ch, 60 psi variable regulator. Initially after purchasing my nasa from Rays outdoors, I was extremely disappointed with its low performance. I looked around a bit and found the one I've got now, at a gas and industrial supply joint in Geelong. It cost an arm and a leg but its build quality means it should pretty much last me for many, many years.....long after I've forgotten about the cost. The flame output is actually quite scary when dialled up, however I never usually have it that high, in fact the reg is probably a little overkill for the nasa burner but I love it. If I were to have the options you posted up, I'd definitely go the 100kpa route. I think you end up regretting buying the 50kpa reg.

Cheers :)
I haven't got a clue what you are talking about.

I do know,
Gas + Fire = HEAT...

So whats up in laymans terms?

It sounds pretty straight forward to me. :blink:

I works very similar to how a modern gas cooking oven works.

I set the temp I want, the controller lights the gas burner when it needs heat and shuts the LPG off when it doesn't. The controller looks after high energy spark and detects if the flame doesn't start or goes out unexpectedly.

I have all the parts except the solenoid and I need to know what pressure spec I need on it.

The regulator I have is overkill for most gas burners and a solenoid that can handle 400kPa of LPG pressure is probably going to cost more than my property.

So I simply want to know what pressure others run their gas burners at for their kettles? ie what pressure does the NASA need to run properly?

Cheers Kirem,
I am with ya now :)
I had no idea about how the modern gas cooker works. Honestly. In the dark here :blink:
I dont have any answer to your original question sorry, but good luck with it.

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