Pre milled Grain

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Well-Known Member
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Coffs Harbour, NSW

Doing my first all grain tomorrow. Bought ingredients i needed from lhbs.
My question is about the grain. It comes in a 4kg bag pre milled, and i notice all the "dust" sitting in the bottom of the bag.
I only need 3kg of this particular grain so there is no way i could get an acurate ratio of dust and hulls.
Is this a problem or is a quick mix of the grain sufficiant enough to get a good mix of all the cracked componants of grain?
In the future i plan to mill my own grain but have to deal with what i have for now.
Yep you're right there will be no accurate way to get that ratio correct. Any reason i.e. your system won't allow it that you cant chuck the extra kilo of grain in anyway? Up the output slightly so you end up with more wort, or end up with a higher gravity wort?
Oh yeah, and don't stress!!! Seriously give it a bit of a mix as best you can use three kilos. You'll still make beer!

edit: speeling
Thanks for the replies. I ended up just chucking in the entire 4kgs. Will get my own mill soon. Ended up with only 63% eff. Hopefully when i get a mill and can go a bit finer this will improve.
All in all it went really smoothly though, very glad i made the jump to ag.

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