"Pouring the perfect pint" + ale sparklers good or bad

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caveat brasiator
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So, was reading a story in the Guardian newspaper (UK) titled "Pouring the perfect pint".

Its at :http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2013/apr/12/pouring-perfect-pint-beer

The story itself is interesting enough, but so are the hyperlinks to various related beer topics embedded within the text.

But the best bit (I think anyway) is the commentary contributed by readers at the bottom of the page.
It is wide ranging but much of it focusses on the use/misuse of sparklers to decant ales.

It ranges between informative (It is well known that pubs sell more beer than they buy) and suggestive (I prefer an old fashioned hand-pull), to the combative (Sparklers are the work of Satan and completely ruin a good beer) and funny (if you want something smooth and creamy, order a milkshake).

Thought I'd offer it up as a bit of light weekend reading (perhaps for those like me, impatiently waiting for Sunday when Collingwood thump the Hawks at the MCG!).

My 2 cents (not pence), this isn't Britain and CAMRA holds no sway in the Colonies, Sparkler if you want or not.
I grew up on Tyneside where beers have monstrous foamy heads, moved to Cardiff where the beers have tight creamy heads and when I first visited London I was amazed at the beer which was totally flat on the top.

Interestingly, when I migrated to Queensland in 1978 the beers, especially 7 ounces, were totally headless as opposed to NSW. If an inexperienced barmaid poured a NSW style beer it was common to hear "are you going to put a tie on it as well, love?".