After a week of sitting in the keg at 19 degrees I read somewhere that the CO2 that you put on top of the beer will be absorbed. When I read this I was worried about oxygenating my brew so I put it in the kegerator and connected the gas and beer lines (Pouring pressure). It's now been sitting there for seven days so i decided to try a small sample tonight. OMG is this good or what! This has to be the best beer I've ever bottled or kegged. The carbonation is good, the head is smooth and creamy and the porter tastes like liquid gold! I will definitely brew this again.
One question. At room temp the head of CO2 I put on top of the beer would be absorbed but would oxygenation have occurred if I'd left it for two weeks as I planned?
One question. At room temp the head of CO2 I put on top of the beer would be absorbed but would oxygenation have occurred if I'd left it for two weeks as I planned?